To help others is Not a Profession,  it’s a State of Mind essay

To help others is Not a Profession, it’s a State of Mind essay

Our life would be empty and evil if there were no people who care of others and are always ready to lend a helping hand. Red Cross Volunteers have already proved the fact that helping others is one of the major goals of their life.

We are people, we are brothers and sisters, we must live in peace and help each other. Sometimes it seems that there are so many troubles on the earth. Only people themselves should make a right decision and cope with all the difficulties.

Animals need our help. Helpless, poor little creatures are our  brothers. Today thousands of them are in terrible situation. They need food and water. We are those who will be able to save them. There is such an example, when a dog lost her master and found herself in the street. Being hungry and ill, the dog was found by the Volunteers who rendered her the first assistance and sent her to a dog shelter. A new master was found and took the dog to his house.

Animals are helpless but homeless people are helpless too. There are different factors that led these people to such awful changes in their life: unemployment, problems in the family, debts, psychological problems, drug and alcohol addiction, and others. Nevertheless, we are people and we should take care of those who are weaker. We cannot allow homeless people to dye in the street. Our task is to feed them and to give them warm clothes. Of course, the best variant is to give them some easy job. I think this is an actual problem in all the countries of the world. It’s our duty to give shelter to the homeless people.

In conclusion, I should say that we must develop Volunteers’ movement and find more and more people who will be able to help our society to be kind and sympathetic.