The Theme of Pride in Homer’s Iliad essay

The Theme of Pride in Homer’s Iliad essay

Iliad by Homer is the epic work that reveals the cultural norms and traditions of the ancient Greek society. At the same time, the epic poem uncovers the lifestyle of ancient Greeks and their values. In this regard, the theme of pride is one of the main themes in this epic work, which uncovers the attitude of ancient Greeks to the concept of pride and reveals the pride as one of the primary concern of ancient Greek society, which uncovers the role of pride in Greek society. In this regard, Book I gives insights toward the understanding of the role of pride in the life of ancient Greek society. Greeks viewed pride as the primary concerns and one of the fundamental values and leaders of the ancient Greek society. At this point, it is possible to refer to such characters as Agamemnon and Achilleus, which appreciate pride and reveal the full extent to which pride was important for ancient Greeks.

In fact, pride was an essential condition of a real leadership. Therefore, the true leader should have pride and be able to commit glorious acts. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that Agamemnon, the King of Greeks, manifests his pride openly as he pursues some glorious rewards for his achievements as the leader of the army and his people:

Still, I am willing to give her back, if such is the best way.
I myself desire that my people be safe, not perish.
Find me then some prize that shall be my own, lest I only
Among the Argives go without, since that were unfitting
(Homer, 1, 116-119).

Agamemnon’s primary concern is gaining some prize at all cost to meet his pride and to contribute to gaining respect among his people. In fact, Agamemnon’s pride turns out to be dominating over his reason and emotions. It is the pride that is the determinant factor that guides Agamemnon in his actions. At the same time, he may be even unaware of the impact of pride on his actions but he cannot resist and his pride determines his behavior.

At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that Agamemnon is the leader of Greeks in their war on Troja. He is the leader of all Greeks. Therefore, his pride is the manifestation of the true leader. In such a way, Homer gives implications that a leader cannot be deprived of pride. Instead, prided is an essential attribute of the leader. Otherwise, the leader would not gain respect of his people in the ancient Greek society.

At the same time, the most outstanding heroes of Greek army are also vulnerable to the overwhelming impact of pride. For instance, Achilleus is one of the main characters, whose pride often rules over his reason:

And now my prize you threaten in person to strip from me,
For whom I labored much, the gift of the sons of Achaians.
Never, when the Achaians sack some well-founded citadel of the Trojans, do I have the prize that is equal to your prize.
(Homer, 1, 161-164).

Therefore, gaining the prize is the primary concern of Achilleus, which he puts above the possible threat to his own life and the life of his people. Winning the prize turns out the goal that may cost the character the life but he does not really care about it because of his excessive pride and pursuit of glory as the ultimate goal of the life of a true Greek hero. In such a way, Homer uncovers the role of pride in the life of ancient Greek people throught the character of Achilleus.

Achilleus pride often determines his actions. For instance, he prefers to return home to save his face rather than to be dishonored, even if he can gain enormous wealth:
Now I am returning to Phthia, since it is much better to go home again with my curved ships, and I am minded no longer
to stay here dishonored and pile up your wealth and your luxury (Homer, 1, 169-171).
In such a way, the pride turns out to be prior to wealth and prosperity for Achilleus, who was a respectable character in ancient Greek society. Therefore, material values turn out to be unimportant for ancient Greeks as was the case of Achielleus, who refused from wealth to save his face. Instead, glorious and heroic acts driven by the pride of the main characters of the play comprised the core of the ancient Greek society’s set of values. In other words, ancient Greeks appreciated pride above all. This is why they glorified kings and heroes, whose pride drove them to commit heroic and glorious acts, sacrifice their life for the sake of glory and implementation of their personal ambitions.

Further events unfolding throughout the epic poem enhance the role of pride in the ancient Greek set of values as one of the major virtues for Greeks. In this regard, the first book of the epic poem sets clearly core values and norms of the ancient Greek society. At this point, the pride of ancient Greeks was apparently excessive because, just like in case of Achilleus, their pride was stronger than their natural instincts because they could easily put under a threat their life just to gain glory and to meet their ambitions.

At the same time, Iliad uncovers the milestone of Greek philosophy, which often neglected material values as being secondary. Instead, such virtues as pride, heroic acts, and the defense of interests of Greece and community were appreciated by ancient Greeks above all. Homer just depicts the impact of pride on actions of the main characters. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the author does not view actions of the main characters driven by pride as something extraordinary or unusual. On the contrary, he glorifies those characters, who are driven by pride, while he interprets their actions as good and virtuous (Fox, 195). For instance, the author apparently stands for Agamemnon and Achilleus, when they strive to get the prize, even if they suffer substantial losses in one way or another, while the prize itself is unimportant. What does matter for them is the fact of winning the prize because it is only through winning they can match their ambitions and feel satisfied.

Thus, Homer’s Iliad reveals the fact that pride was one of the main virtues in the ancient Greek society. The main characters of the epic poem manifest their pride virtually from the first pages of Book 1.