The Leadership Point of View Essay
What things will you have to change in yourself in order to become an effective leader?
This question requires a full answer because it touches upon a very important theme – the theme of leadership. Of course, in order to become an effective leader a great deal of work should be done. This work will include not only changing of some personal qualities of character but also following certain rules of leadership. It is known that the success of any organization depends on its leader to a great extent. En effective leader can provide an effective work in the organization or any other group. In order to realize what things should be changed in myself to become an effective leader, it is necessary to give a definition of the term leadership.
Leadership is a so called process of influencing on the behavior of other people in the group in order to achieve some concrete goals. Leadership is connected with managing energy in yourself and in the group. (Clawson 3)
According to the researches regarding the issue of effective leadership skills, there is no the best style of leadership. It depends on the situation and the goals.
High Energy Level for the Leader.
It is very important to have a high energy level in the organization because it will help to manage the energy of other members of this organization or group. I think that I have a high energy level because people usually listen to my ideas and respect my opinion. They also follow my advice.
Reputation of Leader in the Group.
It is also very important to occupy position of authority or have good reputation. People around should not only respect the leader but also they should listen to his advice, fulfill his orders and share their ideas concerning business goals and tasks. That is why I will change my relation to the other people first of all. I will do everything to become an “authoritor”. I will try to earn respect of the other people in the organization by means of emotional support and positive personal interaction. Of course, I think that the individual experience plays an important role in this issue. An experienced person has much more chances to become an “authoritor” in the group. One more thing is individual development which also affect the leadership in the group.
I am sure that ethical factor also influences effective leadership and good reputation of the leader. It is necessary for the effective leader to pay attention to such ethical dimensions as race, level of education, gender, interpersonal communication. It is clear that some unjust accusation or race discrimination, or abasement of human dignity can exploit the reputation of the effective leader in the group.
Courage of the Leader.
One more important thing which is necessary for the effective leader is to have courage in order to improve the situation in the organization or to change something. I think that courage is a vital thing in any business. The effective leader should be courageous to make some brave decisions. The role of the leader is a serious one. The leader will give orders that is why he is responsible for all the processes in the organization. He is the only person who will be blamed in case of a failure. I think that this quality is very important for me because I cannot say that I have enough courage. I should develop this quality more and more in order to become an effective leader. The spontaneous decisions can do a lot of harm that is why it is necessary to think twice. Only a courageous man of sober mind can be an effective leader.
Foresight of the Leader.
In order to become an effective leader it is also very important to see what needs to be done. This can be achieved by means of getting the appropriate information and having enough experience as well as better judgment. It is clear that in order to make the correct decision the effective leader should use all his skills and abilities. He should understand the final goal of his work. He should estimate the situation and find the right way out. For me it is very important task. I should learn much in order to see what needs to be done in this or that situation. Of course, first of all I should recognize what needs to be done in myself. I think that I should be more open to the people around me. I should also get rid of haughtiness which can hinder me to make right decisions and to become an effective leader.
Insight of the Leader.
The other thing which is a vital one for the effective leader is the ability to understand “all the underlying forces at play”. (Clawson 6)
It means that any leader should make in-depth analysis of the situation and take into consideration all the current conditions. I think that it is one of the most important things for me to learn how to broaden my vision and to deepen my insight into different types of issues including market, consumer, competitive and others. It is the duty of any effective leader not to be lost in this or that situation. He should learn to accept both failure and success.
Any effective leader should operate in conditions of uncertainty. He should learn to run a risk in business. For me it is a new thing. I am not a risky person that is why I should change myself and learn to risk. Sometimes it seems to me that fear prevents me from risking. I should change myself if I want to be an effective leader. Leadership point of view will help me to make decisions quickly and correctly.
Fear of Rejection.
In order to become an effective leader it is of great importance to overcome the fear of rejection. Some people are not self-confident. They have a fear of rejection. They live “outside-in” which means that they are anxious about other people opinion. In order to become an effective leader it is necessary to live “inside-in”. The opinion of the other people is not important for an effective leader. For me this is a new thing because I am concerned about the opinion of other people. I should learn to get rid of this fear of rejection if I want to become an effective leader. Any of my decisions should be made without fear of rejection. I should be confident in everything I do, and I should respect my personal opinion.
Strategic Thinking.
In order to become an effective leader it is required to develop personal strategic thinking capacity which will help to find the way out of any difficult situation in the organization. I should learn to make decision by myself without waiting anybody’s help. It’s the main feature of the leader. The leader’s mental work can lead to the correct decision.
In conclusion it is necessary to summarize the above mentioned points regarding the effective leadership:
Effective leader requires a lot of knowledge, skills and experience.
High energy level is a vital thing for the leader.
The authority and reputation in the organization are important for any effective leader.
An effective leader should get rid of fear of rejection.
Foresight of the leader is a vital thing for him.
An affective leader should develop strategy thinking.
Insight of the leader is on the first place in business.
Any effective leader should be a courageous person in making decisions and a risky one.
Although I have to change some things in myself in order to become an effective leader but most of my qualities are good enough for leadership in the group. They are the following ones: sense of purpose, quick understanding, sociability, responsibility, willingness to learn more and more, fairness, steady hand.
I should learn to be more courageous, open and risky. Moreover, I should get rid of haughtiness and fear of rejection.