The Family as an Economic Unit Essay

The Family as an Economic Unit Essay

There are some reasons for couples to make family as an Economic Unit.

The first reason is that women are more likely to be more productive in the home and men are relatively more productive in the market. It is also very important to mention that men and women are raised with different expectations and get different education and training. So, women usually have primary responsibility for homemaking.
The second reason is the fact that housing for two people does not cost twice as much as housing for one.
While preparing meals for two people you need less time as it does to prepare them for one person.
The third reason is a public good, when the consumption of the item by one person doesn’t diminish the amount available for consumption by others. For example, it is always more pleasant to watch a movie when not being alone, but in a company.
Another reason is that it is easier to raise children together.
Besides, if one becomes unemployed, the family can rely on the other spouse to cover the part of the household expenses.