The choice of the right organizational development model essay

The choice of the right organizational development model essay

In actuality, the choice of the right organizational development model can affect consistently the marketing development of companies and their competitive position. However, today, there is a variety of organizational development models which offer organizations ample opportunities to their development and to implement successful their marketing strategies and to reach their strategic goals. The emergence of different models opens up larger opportunities for choosing the model that is the most appropriate for a specific organization. In this respect, it is possible to refer the case of the integration of Skype in Microsoft organizational structure and business strategy. In fact, both organization operate in the high tech industry but it is important to choose the right model of the organizational development to complete the integration of Skype in Microsoft’s organizational structure and culture. The choice of the right organizational development model can define the overall success of the further business development of the company as Skype becomes a part of Microsoft. Among the variety of organizational development models, the 7s model, the congruence model, and the Burke-Litwin model are particularly noteworthy, although other models are also worth taking into consideration because they have their own strengths as well as weaknesses, while the analysis of different models help to define the most appropriate one.

First of all, it is possible to refer to one of the early organizational development models, which date back to the 1950s, the force field analysis. The force field analysis holds the premise that there are driving forces which stimulate the organizational development as well as introduction of changes which can improve the organizational performance. On analyzing driving factors, the company needs to ass the current state of affairs or the current problem the organization is facing at the moment. As the problem occurs the equilibrium is interrupted. In fact, the equilibrium normally exists, when the organization develops successfully and when there are no problems identified within the organization. In case of Microsoft and Skype, the problem does exist and the problem is the integration of Skype into Microsoft’s organizational structure and culture. As the organization starts the change to tackle the problem, for instance, the restructuring of Skype to integrate the company into Microsoft, restraining forces may arise. These restraining forces contribute to the maintenance of the disequilibrium during change because, on the one hand, Microsoft, for instance, attempts to integrate Skype into its organization structure and culture, while, on the other hand, some employees of Skype resist to the change. Eventually, the company is supposed to reach the desired state of affairs, i.e. to reach the ultimate goal of the change. At this stage, the equilibrium of the organization and organizational performance is reestablished. In case of Microsoft and Skype, the accomplishment of the change and the attainment of the goal imply the full integration of Skype into the organizational structure and culture of Microsoft. In fact, this model is quite effective but still, the force field analysis underestimates the impact of external factors on the organization and the change. In such a way, the organization may face considerable problems, if external impact on the organization increases.

Alternatively, it is possible to refer to the Leavitt’s model, which is quite effective in terms of setting specific tasks and attainment them through the introduction of the change. The first element of the Leavitt’s model is the task. The task is very important for the attainment of organizational goals but the company using this model should focus on specific tasks, which may fail to take into consideration the strategic development of the organization. On the other hand, this model focuses on the organizational structure and how the organization structure may be affected by the change. Moreover, the Leavitt’s model aims at the integration of people/actors into the change. In practice, the integration of people/actors into the change means that Microsoft, for instance, should help employees working in Skype to find their place in the new organization and to accustom to the new organizational culture. Finally, the introduction of the new technology which completes the change should accomplish the implementation of the Leavitt’s model. This successful completion of the change and introduction of the new technology means that, in case of Microsoft and Skype, Microsoft elaborates the technology of the integration of Skype and the successful accomplishment of this technology.

In fact, the Leavitt’s model is quite effective, when the organization needs to meet specific tasks, but, in case of Microsoft and Skype, this model is not very effective. The integration of Skype into Microsoft’s structure is rather a strategic goal that a routine task to fulfill. Therefore, the Leavitt’s model can be ineffective because this model does not provide the strategic direction in the development of the company.

Furthermore, the Likert’s framework is another model that can be applied to Microsoft and Skype but the company should be aware of possible pitfalls of this model. In fact, the Likert’s model involves the implementation of one of four systems that help the organization to reach its strategic goals (Falletta, 2005). The system 1 is exploitative-authoritative. This system implies the exploitative-authoritative relations which mean that Microsoft is likely to take its full authority to exploit Skype to reach its business goals. However, such relations are likely to raise the opposition from the part of employees of Skype because they are accustomed to independent work and they are unprepared to take the inferior position compared to Microsoft’s superior position.

The system 2 is benevolent-authoritative which is grounded on the benevolent cooperation from the part of Skype and the use of the authority of Microsoft. However, this system also implies the inequality between Microsoft and Skype because Microsoft will maintain the dominant position and use its authority to control Skype (Lim, 2006). Even if employees of Skype are ready and eager to cooperate, they still have little authority in the new organizational structure that makes this model ineffective.

Nevertheless, Microsoft and Skype can use the system 3 is consultative, when organizations conduct consultations to develop their business successfully (Benfari, 1999). However, this system is ineffective because consultations did not facilitate the integration of both companies. In such a way, the company cannot integrate effectively that raises the problem of the full integration of Skype into Microsoft organizational structure and culture.

In this regard, the system 4 may be more effective. The system 4 is participative, when the organization focuses on the participation of employees and their involvement in the performance of the organization to reach strategic goals (Falletta, 2005). In case of Microsoft and Skype participation may be effective but to participate effectively employees of Skype have to learn and to adapt to the organizational culture of Microsoft.

Furthermore, Microsoft and Skype can use the open systems model. However, this model is too broad to meet organizational goals by Microsoft and Skype. In fact, the open systems model includes three elements: input, environment, and output. The input is the stage of the analysis of the current situation in the organization and development of possible changes that have to be introduced in the organization. The input stage is very important because it defines the challenges the organization faces at the moment, namely the problem of the integration of Skype into Microsoft.

The environment is very important because, at this stage, the transformation occurs because the company has to cope with challenges (Falletta, 2005). In this regard, the company should take into consideration both external and workplace environment. In such a way, the organization can introduce the change developing positive relations within the organization. In addition, the company should take into consideration external factors that may influence the change and to complete the change successfully. At this stage, the output is the achievement of the strategic goal of the organization. The company can complete the transformation effectively. In case of Microsoft and Skype, the company should complete the transformation by integrating Skype into the organizational structure and culture of Microsoft. However, this problem is too broad to complete the change successfully.

In addition, Microsoft and Skype can use the congruence model, which implies the similar stages compared to the open systems model. The first stage is input. The input includes environment, resources, and history (Falletta, 2005). Applying this model to Microsoft and Skype, the input will involve the analysis of the environment of the organization, in which the change occurs. The company should also assess adequately resources available at the moment, including technological, financial and human resources. In addition, the company should take into consideration the analysis of the history of Microsoft and Skype to facilitate the integration of Skype into Microsoft. In such a way, the input helps to conduct the indepth analysis which allows conducting the transformation successfully. The transformation is the next step in the congruence model. The transformation process includes task, informal organization, individual, and formal organizational assignment. Consequently, the company will set specific tasks, such as integration of Skype into the organizational structure of Microsoft. The organization will also have to take into consideration informal organization that means that the company may face the problem of the informal leadership in Skype, for instance. The organization will have to overcome such challenges and set the formal organizational assignment which should be accepted by all employees. Hence, the organization should work with each individual involved in the transformation to complete the transformation successfully.

Finally, the company should focus on outputs. Outputs include organization, group, and individual, who provide positive feedback to confirm the successful introduction of the change (Falletta, 2005). In case of Microsoft and Skype, the output will include the positive feedback from the new organization, where Skype is fully integrated, from specific groups, including departments of Microsoft and Skype, and individuals working in both Microsoft and Skype. Therefore, the congruence model is quite efficient in relation to Microsoft and Skype because this model provides the extensive analysis of the current problem and suggests detailed implementation of the transformation until its successful accomplishment. This model is quite effective and Microsoft and Skype should consider the possibility of using this organizational development model.

Alternatively, Microsoft and Skype should consider the 7s model. The 7s framework includes shared values, which are interdependent with the following elements: staff, systems, strategy, structure, skills, style (Falletta, 2005). The shared values are the milestone of this model (Breneman & Taylor, 1996). In case of Microsoft and Skype, shared values may be the biggest problem because companies have to develop shared values after their integration. To develop shared values, the company should focus on integrating shared values among the staff and systems used by Microsoft and Skype. Shared values must lay the foundation to the organizational strategy and structure. Finally, the shared values should define the style of the management of the organization and skills employees working in the organization have. The major drawback of this model is its major strengths, shared values. As Microsoft and Skype do not have shared values, this model can hardly be applied successfully.

Finally, the Burke-Litwin causal model can be applied to Microsoft and Skype. This model includes the analysis of the external environment. The external environment defines the development of the organization but Microsoft and Skype have to take into consideration the internal environment too but this model underestimates the significance of internal environment. On the ground of the analysis of the external environment, the company can develop the mission, strategy, leadership and culture which develop the direction of the development of the organization, taking into consideration the impact of external environment. The development of the common mission, strategy, leadership and culture are very important for the integration of Microsoft and Skype. Finally, the performance of the organization mirrors the mission strategy, leadership and culture of the organization. This means that the performance of the organization should demonstrate the positive effect of using the common leadership, mission, strategy and culture. This model may be effective on the condition of the in-depth analysis of internal situation in the company.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that, at the moment, Microsoft and Skype need to integrate successfully. In this regard, the use of the congruence model is most successful and prospective for Microsoft and Skype because this model takes into consideration the current situation in the company and implies the full integration of Skype into Microsoft. Alternatively, the Burke-Litwin causal model can be applied but this model should be complemented by internal analysis that should help the company to conduct the transformation and to complete the integration of Skype into the organizational structure and culture of Microsoft.