Social and Cultural Interaction essay

Social and Cultural Interaction essay

It is known that culture plays an important role in defining the individual’s identity and world outlook. When cultures begin to interact and change each other, people are often faced with difficult choices. Sandra Smith, the officer of Community Research and Grants Management of the Columbus Foundation states that any social and cultural interaction between the immigrants and residents “creates the cross-cultural understanding that helps all community members gain a level of comfort with one another and widens their appreciation for all cultures”. (Social and Cultural Interaction, 2011, para.1)

I think that it is possible to intermarry with the people from other groups because it is wrong when people have negative attitude to other cultures, religions, traditions and so on. Moreover, it is very important to learn a new language in order to show respect for other culture and to avoid ignorance with can lead to prejudice, discrimination and racism. I am sure that it is better to assimilate in order to build mutual understanding and trust between cultures. For example, Mary Jamison, who was captured by Indians decided to remain a Seneca and lived with the Seneca Nation in Buffalo Creek Reservation. She married a Seneca man and had six children with him. Moreover, she learned Seneca language and was a negotiator for the Seneca Tribe at the Treaty of Big Tree, 1797. The other woman Susan La Flesche Picotte, was the first American Indian woman who got a medical degree in the USA. She was encouraged to build relationships with white and managed to become a highly-qualified doctor who devoted her life to providing medical care for her people. Sarra Winnemucca, a Native American woman, also belonged to two cultures. She got education in California and tried to give education to Paiute children too. She opened a school for Indian children in Nevada. The above mentioned facts prove that cultural interaction can benefit the development of society to a great extent.