Rebels and Maroons Essay

Rebels and Maroons Essay

This essay represents a short overview of the 19th century Latin American revolutions, relating to the abolition of slavery. It should be noted that slavery was a typical social institution in Latin America at this time. It was supported by the governmental forces (mainly formed from the representatives of White minority – colonists and their descendants). The inhumane attitude and growth of conflict (supported by the revolutionary movement in Europe) lit the fire of the revolutionary atmosphere all over Latin America and even touched the US. The Revolutionary movement promoted a very different social structure. It dealt with the era of the new government, slavery abolition, and taking the first steps toward understanding and implementing Human Rights.
Here is a suggestion on how to restructure this introductory paragraph:
In the nineteenth century slavery was a typical social institution in Latin America. Governments across the region, who were dominated by a white minority that consisted of the descendants of colonists, supported the institution. The revolutionary movement sparked a changing atmosphere in Latin America that promoted a different social structures based on new ideas of basic human rights and the abolition of slavery. This essay briefly examines the role of Latin American revolutions and the end of slavery.
The background of the rebellion and maroon community formation
The Colonial Government from the very beginning did not have constant form and firm state legislation. It could hardly be called democratic. The power was not given according to elections; the supreme power has never belonged to the nation as it did in Europe, when the first kingdoms were formed. The European colonists invaded the New World, making the aboriginals their slaves and transporting the Africans to America to make them slaves as well. The governor was not just a military leader of the troops. Depending on the common will of the nation, he made all the decisions and determined all activity. The power of the governor was absolute in the colonies. The nation did not choose the head of the state. During many centuries the governors of different countries, (conquered by conquistadors) governed in a manner intended to break the independent soul of those who lived there before their arrival. Those whom they brought from the African continent also formed their identity during the three hundred years and were starving for changes, oppressed by the wishes of the white masters: “The growth of a sense of identity and community among the African slaves in Latin America was essential for their survival as a society and group. Families were established, children were educated, and beliefs were developed that gave legitimacy to their lives. But many aspects of their lives were controlled by the others. Their labor was defined by the others and was not typically organized by households, as in the case of other working class persons. Even their social behavior was restricted by the whites when it clashed with the needs for control or the norms of behavior acceptable by the whites. Physical violence was also inherent in chattel slavery and created a level of fear and uncertainty unmatched by any other form of class or labor relations in America. Finally, even the physical wellbeing of the slave and his family was largely at the whim of his or her master and could be affected by consideration outside the slave’s control.”
According to Klein the practice of escaping was typical among the aboriginal slaves and among the Africans. A number of maroon communities were formed in different lands and they gave shelter to those who sought it.. It goes without saying that before the civil wars countries like Cuba and Mexico were poorly organized. Social abuse became harder because of unfair division of the civil rights. Even as slavery was abolished the nation was rendered to the despotism, going from inequality. The nobility was given to the courtiers living on the favors of the governor (i.e. the nation provided their support); they were empowered by the government on different levels or they took senior positions within the military troops. All the higher official positions were provided by the governor to representatives of nobility. They all were oppressing the people, slaves most of all, who provided their prosperity.
The roots of revolutionary movements
The French Revolution significantly changed correlation of the political forces and provided a serious shift in the internal existence of the whole world. This event highly impacted and actually inspired the revolutionary movements in Latin America during the 19th century. It should be noted that at the revolutionary times in Latin America (already 19th century) there still existed medieval forms of society – slavery and plutocracy were still acute social structures and forms. Even before the revolutions in all the countries there existed free communities of runaway slaves, who escaped from the regime and changed to form the communities, actually living far from the places where they representatives of the government of planters could catch them: (“Most runaway slave communities in the Americas were quickly overcome by whites. However, a good many of those communities not only survived but became legally recognized towns whose residents eventually blended into the surrounding population. Although whites managed to eventually destroy most New World fugitive slave settlements, a surprising number of them managed to survive”. It goes without saying that right before and during the revolutionary times these communities highly impacted those who fought against the oppressive colonial regimes. It is considered that the whites and the governments supporting slavery just could not find them during the peaceful times, so during the confrontation (revolutionary years) these settlements became supportive bases for the rebel armies. During the years of peace they were safe havens for runaway slaves.
Historians investigating the subjects consider that the maroon settlements appeared much earlier than the revolutionary atmosphere arrived from Europe. It is not surprising that planters were severely worried about the fact they had temporarily or even permanently lost the laboring people. In the 19th century it was typical to offer a reward for an escaped slave. Latin American slaves were highly oppressed by the terrible attitude of their masters and poor living conditions. The vast majority of the plantation overseers did not care about the health of the slaves (but there were the opposites of such treatment).
Most countries were divided on the issue of slavery. Some were occupied by the colonial governments; the others were under control of those who sought slavery abolition. The planters and the white majority, (so called the colonial nobility) had lost all its powers, but at the same time held on to certain privileges. The nation did not have any rights; the regal authority was not limited by any demands and rules. During the confrontations such countries as Mexico, Cuba and many others were under the oppressive ministry’s autocracy, local governments preserving social privileges for certain classes. The only way to survive in such conditions between the confronting sides was to escape. These maroon communities in Latin America were giving shelter to those who escaped from the planters (who did not want to accept the new laws, like in Mexico during the period from 1810 till 1860’s). The planters were highly intended to reject the new rules. Even after the slave abolition, in many countries normal life was possible only inside of the slave communities.
These inhumane and illegal social structures were replaced by laws corresponding to the demands of social government. It replaced despotism by legislation and privileges by equality. The revolution was intended to make people free from class differences and provided a number innovative practices that helped people to understand their role and place within the society, guaranteeing the same equality for all the classes, for all legal implications and the one united nation. To provide such significant reforms within the society, the Latin American rebellions had to overcome a number of difficulties and with this came long lasting and beneficial effects. . The privileged classes tried to stop the revolution. European countries tried to make it according to certain norms and subdue the process, as they did not want to lose their colonies. But such attitude had only sharpened the struggle and could not change its forces and lessen revolutionary success. Supported inside by the maroon communities and the new escapers, who were tired of this inhumane attitude, the new governments rapidly took power.
Analyzing the history of this significant period, the country demanded significant changes and they were provided. Despite all these contradictory facts it is essential to note that the dominating anarchy and despotism were just after effects, hence the main idea was reached – the old social state was ruined within the empire during the revolution and the new one was born.