No Women in Combat essay

No Women in Combat essay

A female may be anything she wishes, but once she attempts to prove she is just as good as male in a fight she could be putting herself in extremely hazardous situation, which could affect her and her unit. Additional controversy about having ladies struggling with males in wars is the fact they have the dissimilar physical structure and are far more susceptible to injury. So, the thesis statement of this paper is the following: whilst the huge amount of jobs in the army is open evenly to female and males, there are some to which ladies are not suited. Even as some women are capable to correspond to all physical requirements for front-line combat, women in a combat are more susceptive to the injuries, they provoke male soldiers for foolish actions and they cause economic troubles connected to unconstructive redistribution of manpower.

Women in the Army

In the army, cadets and soldiers usually have to carry practically 100 pounds of weight over rough terrain for miles, both in training and in battle, which is extremely hazardous for woman’s health, especially for her reproductive organs. It is crucial to remember that that the usual twenty-year-old girl only has the muscle strength of the usual fifty-year-old guy (Tips, 2012). Females are commonly physically weaker than males and this certainly influences the fighting capabilities. Women’s hearts are two-thirds lesser than male’s one and have to beat faster to keep up with the speed of an average male. Women are meant to bear children, and their pelvises are arranged accordingly. That is important for giving birth to the child, but the exchange is that it results in the off-angle of legs, thus leaving most females with the ten percent worse running speed compared to males. This biological dissimilarity also accounts for the large part of the reason why females make up practically two-thirds of approximately 400,000 individuals who go through knee replacement in the USA annually, according to the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Additionally, women are more simply injured than are men (Tips, 2012). For instance, women who like sports such as volleyball, basketball or soccer, where their knees experience impacts and spins, are eight times more likely to break knee-ligament than are men. The scholars attributed this too high occurrence of injury to the fact that females have weaker muscle structure (even after severe training) in this critical area. During the struggle, this area is evenly stressed by running, jumping and other physical actions, which struggle requires of soldiers. No army may afford to have fighters who are injured at eight times the normal rate (Tips, 2012).

The female’s presence on a front line may be extremely harmful to the male colleagues. The nature of male is to defend and protect. Missions could be put at risk if males act foolishly to defend females of their unit. Additionally, females in units may distract the soldiers who have romantic interest in them. The researches have demonstrated that females are more simply stressed, and this could cause danger to troops if a woman scares or is captured. Also, females are at more of a risk for abuse if captured during the struggle. Additionally, good lesson provide the nations that have placed ladies in combat, like Israel and the USSR (Dougherty, 2001). These two nations canceled the acts, which permitted females to participate in the struggles, and not due to the women, who were totally capable, but due to the men around them. Seeing females murdered or wounded made many male soldiers lose control and do extremely stupid things. Ladies are treated totally differently from males in the Israeli army: they serve about half as long; they live in divided barracks; they have the automatic exception in case they marry or have a child. So, the notion that Israel utilizes females in combat is a feminist myth. In fact, each nation that has experimented with females in combat has abandoned the idea (Dougherty, 2001). Thus, the experience of other nations supports the notion that females should not participate in the struggles.

One of the crucial aspects that demonstrate how females are not as effectual as men in warfare situations is the clear fact that they perform on dissimilar physical levels. It has been proven that very few ladies are strong enough to survive huge magnitude of force. Women generally are less capable to lift huge weights than males due to their smaller upper bodies (Landers, 1989). This causes problems with the manpower. Weighty lifting jobs such as transportation of missiles or bombs that formerly were done by four males are nowadays assigned to groups of five or six humans of mixed sex to cope with the same assignment. For instance, on board ship this type of redistribution of manpower is not just costly and economically disadvantageous, it is almost tactically unfeasible. At sea, each person counts, and having two soldiers do one man’s job is not an option. That is why in spite of the fact females may be very strong, they are not capable to do man’s work equally with males. This causes unconstructive redistribution of manpower.


In fact, there are many tasks women are perfectly suited to in wartime. Smaller and more flexible soldiers are extremely helpful during secret missions. Women may also be far more communicative and friendly, which is useful in secret operations, where a cover is required. Females should be present to search other ladies when it is not appropriate for men to do so, as in Iraq. The level of technology in warfare also provides more assignments for women that do not demand fighting on the front lines. Thus, due to the possible dangers and detriments females would experience and also cause the army to face, it is probably best to allow them in the military, but not in the struggles on front lines.