Interview Responses essay

Interview Responses essay

Interview 1

Menu planning is very important.

The large menu is preferable because through limiting the size of the menu the company limits its customers’ choices and therefore, discourages customers from returning to the company over and over again. The diversity of menu is one of the main conditions of the successful business development of a restaurant. The definition of costs is very important for the menu planning. The taste of products offered by the company is crucial because if customers do not like the test of dishes, the entire menu and business will fail.

The price flexibility is essential to balance costs of products offered to customers and the price they are ready to pay for them. The price should provide the company with stable profits and cover costs but the company should come prepared to change the price respectively to the change of demand and customer behavior. Similarly to the price, the company should be able to change the costs of its products.

The menu planning is about merchandizing and customer manipulation. The company should position its products right and offer affordable price, on the one hand, and to maximize the cost-efficiency of its products, on the other.

Interview 2

Standardized recipes help to reach the high level of consistency of the menu. Therefore, standardized recipes can enhance the menu planning because the company has the standards on the ground of which it can build up its menu and introduce changes respectively to its plans.

At the same time, the creativity should match the financial performance that means that standardized recipes should be original but match the cost limits the organization can offer. Exorbitant costs of products will make them the total failure. Therefore, recipes should take into consideration financial aspects since dishes are products to sell.

To sell products successfully, the company should select vendors effectively. In this regard, abilities of vendors are determinant for their selection. If vendors are successful in sales, they are worth selecting. At the same time, using excusive vendors is reasonable only in case of mass production and sales. Otherwise, the use of multiple vendors is more preferable than the use of exclusive vendors. In addition, vendors may be selected respectively to products they sell. The experience of vendors is another factor that the company has to take into consideration because experience vendors are more effective than inexperienced ones. The company should implement daily inventory and ordering to perform its business successfully. In such a way, the company can reach stable and positive outcomes.

Interview 3

The buyer behavior depends, to a significant extent, on their knowledge of products and where the products come from. Any buyer is looking to purchase at possibly lower value, while vendors, on the contrary attempt to maximize their profits. Therefore, the choice of the vendor is very important and is determined by the buyer’s needs. In this regard, restaurateurs should constantly monitor the situation in the market and identify changes in the market to avoid possible losses or unnecessary high costs being spent on purchasing products. For instance, the decline in the price of a product may remain unnoticed for a restaurateur, if he/she does not keep the situation in the market on track. In contrast, if the restaurateur analyzes and monitors the situation in the market, he/she will not pay unreasonably high price for products.