Intelligence and Control Distributed throughout the Enterprise, Self-organizing and Evolving Essay

Intelligence and Control Distributed throughout the Enterprise, Self-organizing and Evolving Essay

It is known that there are different classifications of learning styles. As I am a visual learner, it is necessary for me to use charts, maps and so on and to write out everything I am going to learn for my frequent and quick visual review. It is very important for the development of my management skills. My goal in this module is to explore some aspects of my personal learning style. It is impossible to change the organization’s learning style but I can learn much about my personal learning style in order to facilitate my organization’s learning. Using the learning style inventory I have defined that I am a visual learner.
Now I will be able to develop strategies which will improve my learning potential. As organizational intelligence is a vital thing for the successful business conduct. As learning is one of the elements of organizational intelligence this assessment is very important for me.
My organization consists of a number of employees who have their own learning style. If all the employees will define their learning style it will help to improve the whole work of the organization. Moreover, there is a chance to improve intelligence in the organization. There are several ways to do it. They include the following ones:
improvement of communication strategies;
improvement of technology management;
improvement of the group dynamics and others. (Albrecht, 2007)
I think that my learning style fits my self-image to a high degree. I always use my visual memory for memorizing different things. It helps me a lot.
I’d like to refer to Gareth Morgan’s metaphor of the organization as brains which includes information processing, cybernetics and self-correcting systems and organizational learning. (Andersen, 1992)
Every employee makes his contribution to the development of business and his particular skills will help him to do it. That is why every employee should know his strengths and his weaknesses. (Bersin, 2008)
My particular strengths are connected with visual images that is why I should focus on visualizing knowledge networks. (Krebs, 2007)
Of course, there will be some problems for me to overcome in the area where visual memory is not enough. For example, listening to the interview or report will be more difficult for me to memorize the details. Another example is that it will be more difficult for me to follow oral directions. I’d prefer the written ones because my visual memory helps me to do it. I can easily miss some details in case they give me some oral directions. Of course, I’ll try to use my strengths in my workplace in order to do a good service to my organization. Moreover, it is necessary for me to strengthen my overall managerial competence which includes individual learning process, relationship to other people or interaction, work practices, the ability to develop professional skills, concepts and attitudes in order to achieve the major goals of my organization. (Veryard Associates, 2007)
I am sure that learning organization where all the employees try to do their best to achieve the major common goals has a lot of perspectives in the future. The employees are constantly learning in order to get the highest results in work. They are ready to change their old experience to a new one. The learning organization uses the results of collective learning which also help it to achieve its major goal. (David Skyrme Associates, 2010)
That is why the relationship of individual learning to organizational learning is direct. We cannot underestimate this relationship. The more highly-developed employees in the organization the better results will be got in the process of work.
In conclusion, it is necessary to say that the performance of any organization depends on the quality of the management to a great extent. The management in its turn is closely connected with the managerial potential and the managerial competencies of the employees. It is very important for every manager to understand what is expected from him. The managerial competence includes not only the appropriate knowledge and skills but also it includes some personal characteristics, values and motives of the manager which will lead to successful work. Besides, the managerial competences are connected with the strategies of the organization and the organizational culture. Speaking about my personal managerial competence, I should say that it involves the following points:
results orientation;
inductive thinking and creativity in work;
good communication skills;
great interest in influencing other employees.
I am going to do everything possible to improve my personal managerial competence in order to be of service to my organization in future.