Evaluation of Internet Sources on Controlling Cost in Health Care Essay

Evaluation of Internet Sources on Controlling Cost in Health Care Essay

Internet Source №1
Marmor, T., Oberlander, J., White, J.(2009) The Obama Administration’s Options for Health Care Cost Control: Hope versus Reality. Annals of Internal Medicine. Retrieved from:<http://www.annals.org/content/150/7/485.full>
As the URL suffix is .org, this source is appropriate for graduate level research.

The bibliographical citation of this source is the following:
Authors: Marmor T., Oberlander J., White J.
Title: The Obama Administration’s Options for Health care Cost Control: Hope versus Reality.
Publication information: Annals of Internal Medicine, April 7, 2009

Initial Appraisal

The authors of this article are highly skilled specialists who have PhD and know a lot about the issue discussed in the article. They are representatives of such institutions of education as Yale University, University of North Carolina and Case Western Reserve University which are considered to be reputable ones.

The authors of this article are the original creators of information and have direct relation to the issue regarding health care cost control. Jonathan Oberlander, PhD has already conducted a lot of research works in the Department of Social Medicine, Dr. Marmor works for Yale School of Management.
I am familiar with the authors from citations in other sources.

This article was published on April 7, 2009. This source is current for my topic because it analyzes different options for health care cost control which is carried out under the Obama administration and represents the results of such experiences concerning medical care in other countries of the world. This source has not been revised.

The publisher of this article is a well known journal Annals of Internal Medicine which is very popular among those readers who have direct relation to the issues of health care. It is a scholarly journal which represents useful information in its research and scholarly articles. It is reliable source. I am going to use the information from the article as background information in my research work.

The Content Analysis

Having made quick content check, I should say that this article addresses the topic which will be discussed in my research work. The table of contents include the following points: Cost Control and the Recession, the Politics of Cost Control, the Obama Administration and Cost Control, Lessons from Abroad: What Works and What does not Work. This source is suitable for my research needs.

The authors are addressing to the audience that not only has interest in the issue discussed but also has direct relation to the sphere of health care. This article is not too complicated for me that is why it can be used in my research work.

The information given in the article is presented as facts. Moreover, all the facts are substantiated and the authors refer to the documents quoted.
The authors do not use the emotional language and make well-reasoned argument backed up by the facts. I do not think that the authors have some hidden agenda because the article represents the opinion of the authors concerning the topic and nothing more. All the facts can be easily checked. The information is valid and well-researched. It is backed up by the evidences from reliable sources including scholar articles, scientific research reports and governmental documents.

The work is logically organized. It discusses the problem of cost control and recession in our country, analyzes the politics of cost control, shows what has been done by Obama’s administration regarding this issue and represents the experience of other countries in finding way out of the situation. There are no type errors in the text. The article is easily read and can be easily navigate.


The article discussed can be used in my research because it is a reliable one and it will help me to develop my theme in the future research work.

Internet Source №2

Orszag, P., Emanuel, E.(2010) Health Care Reform and Cost Control. The New England Journal of Medicine. June 16, 2010. Retrieved from:<http://healthpolicyandreform.nejm.org/?=3564>
This source is appropriate for graduate level research.

The Bibliographic Citation

It is a journal article which has the following bibliographic citation:
Authors: Orszag P., Emanuel E.
Title: Health Care Reform and Cost Control
Publication information: The New England Journal of Medicine. June 16, 2010.

Initial Appraisal

The authors of the article are original creators of information. They inform the readers of their occupation, positions and education: Dr. Orszag PhD is good specialist and a former director and Dr. Emanuel is special advisor on health policy to the White House Office of Management and Budget. It is known also that Dr. Emanuel is a chairman of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. It is clear that they have many years of experience and have made a lot of research works in their area. They are considered experts in the field of health care.

The source was published on June 16, 2010. The article is current to the topic of my research which is Controlling Costs in Health Care.

The publisher is The New England Journal of Medicine which is considered to be a reliable source. It is a well-known journal of medicine which always represents rather interesting and important articles. The New England Journal of Medicine is the oldest medical periodical which helps the physicians to broad their mind and to make their knowledge more profound.

It is a scholarly journal and the information given in the article can be used as background information in my research.

The Content Analysis

The article has no a table of contents but the information is logically represented in the article. So, it is not difficult to catch the main points of the work.

The publication is addressed to the audience which has interest in the issue discussed including both the representatives of the health care sphere and those readers who have no relation to this sphere but are interested in the topic itself.

The article represents both the facts and the authors opinions concerning health care reform and cost control in the United States. The authors make a well-reasoning argument which is backed up by the facts.

The article adds some new information for my research. There are no any typos and errors in the text. The main points are clearly presented that is why the article is easily read.


The above mentioned article will help me in my future research because it represents reliable information which is backed up by evidences. This source should be included in my future research. It represents a lot of useful statistical data from reliable sources and some new ideas concerning health care reform and cost control in the United States.