Essay on stem cells

Essay on stem cells

In actuality, studies in the field of mammary stem cells reveal a lot of noteworthy fact about the development of mammary stem cells and their impact on health of living beings. In this respect, many researchers are very concerned with the study of mammary stem cells in the context of the study of cancer and relevant issues. Among such researchers, it is possible to single out L. Bai and L.R. Rohrshcneider, whose research “S-Ship Promoter Expression Marks Activated Stem Cells in Developing Mouse Mammary Tissue” is particularly important in the study of the impact of mammary stem cells on health of living beings and their development. The researchers paid a particular attention to the study of GFP and how GFP is expressed in cap cells. The hypothesis of the study is the possible development of GFP at different stages of the development of the body and ultimate expression at the mature stage of development.

The study involved mice, which were used as subjects to the study. They were exposed to the impact of s-SHIP promoter to track presumptive stem cells with GFP in embryos of transgenic mouse models. Changes were observed at the pre-natal and post-natal stages. In such a way, the subjects of the study, who have suffered the impact of s-SHIP were observed and changes were recorded in their development. In this regard, the mammary gland was particularly important for the study because it generates hormones, which may affect the development of subjects, their health and, more important, they may provoke the development of tumors and cancer.

The results of the study have revealed the fact that mice exposed to the impact of s-SHIP, which enhanced the development of mutations in mammary stem that led to the development of tumors and cancer. At the same time, GFP failed to be express at the pre-natal and post-natal stage. Instead, GFP has started to express itself only at the puberty stage.  In such a way, the study has proved the hypothesis suggested before the study concerning the possible dependence of the expression of GFP to the stage of the development of subjects, which were mice. Therefore, the study proves the development of GFP at the maturity stage. At the same time, the researchers found out the correlation between the development of cap cells and cancer.

The results of the study are very important for further studies because they reveal the close correlation between cap cells changes and their impact on mammal gland and, more important, the study revealed the further impact of changes that occur in the mammal gland on mutation of cells and development of tumors that may provoke cancer. In a long-run perspective, the study can help to understand better causes of cancer and its prevention. The understanding of major causes of cancer can help to elaborate effective methods of prevention of the development of cancer. The clarification of causes of cancer is very important because contemporary researchers still have heat debates on reasons and causes of changes that occur in cells that provoke their mutation and development of cancer. At the same time, the expression of GFP in cap cells at the maturity stage proves that cells can change and mature in the course of the development of body. Therefore, changes may occur at different stages and certain health problems, for instance, can manifest themselves at different stages.

The study conducted by L. Bai and L.R. Rohrschneider was chosen because of its high validity and reliability. The researchers conducted in depth analysis and monitored limitations of the study. They focused on the high level of objectivity and reliability of findings made in the course of the study. Therefore, the study is reliable in scientific terms, while its findings are acceptable for the scientific community. Consequently, the findings of the study can be used as the basis for the further study in this field and to expand the scope of the research conducted by L. Bai and L.R. Rohrschneider.

Current studies in the field being extensive still fail to reveal the dependence of the development of GFP in cap cells at the maturity stage. Existing studies focus on the development of GFP at large without its close correlation to the specific stage of the development of the body. At the same time, contemporary researchers are often limited in the study of stem cells being limited by legal framework and legal regulations that prevent extensive studies of stem cells, especially those of humans. Therefore, findings of L. Bai and L.R. Rohrschneider are very helpful for other researchers, who focus on similar problems and develop their own studies.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the study of GFP development in cap cells at the maturity stage is very important in the context of understanding of the development of cap cells and development of living beings.