Essay on Society and Technological Change

Essay on Society and Technological Change

In fact, the development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. has a considerable potential for the successful business development. The company can make a considerable progress due to the potential of the company. At the same time, the company should be able to realize its full potential and to overcome challenges, which the company may face in the course of its development. The Clipboard Tablet Co. has multiple options to choose in terms of its strategy marketing development. The marketing development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. depends on the choice of the proper approaches to the business development of the company. The company should focus on the introduction of innovations, improvement of the research and development and the quality management.

In actuality, the major problem of the Clipboard Tablet Co. is the poor development caused by low investments in the research and development. The company suffered from considerable problems in the development of its business because the low investment in the research and development raise the problem of the widening gap between the company and its major rivals in the market. The Clipboard Tablet Co. attempts to save costs but saving costs on the research and development leads to the steady deterioration of the position of the company in the market. In a long-run perspective, saving costs on the research and development has a destructive impact on the business development of the Clipboard Tablet Co.

In this regard, the decision to develop in the research and development was right and effective. Substantial investments in the research and development help to enhance the competitive position of the company in the market due to the possible improvements and innovations introduced in the company. The research and development lay a strategic ground for the business development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. in a long-run perspective. The company has to improve its current products and to introduce innovations, including innovative products, which may be attractive for customers. Therefore, investments in the research and development contribute to the enhancement of the competitive position in the market.

At the same time, the development of the quality of products and services of the company was another right decision to develop the business of the company. In fact, the improvement of the quality of products and services is crucial for the company because the high quality of products and services attracts customers. Therefore, the company can accelerate its sale rates due to the improvement of the quality of products and services. The improvement of the quality of products and services leads to the increase of the customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction improves the competitive position of the company in the market because customers prefer products and services of the higher quality. The higher is the quality of products and services, the higher is the customer satisfaction.

In addition, the company should develop innovations because this decision puts the company in an advantageous position in the market. In fact, innovations are crucial for the business development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. The company can enhance its position through the development and successful introduction of innovations. Innovations help the Clipboard Tablet Co. to introduce new products that are different and better compared to products of the company’s rivals. Customers naturally prefer newer and better products. At the same time, the company cannot introduce innovations successfully without abundant investments in the research and development. In fact, the research and development contribute to the introduction of innovations by the company.

On the other hand, the company failed to make a considerable progress focusing on internal business operations solely because the development of internal business operations needs the improvement of the technological environment of operations. In fact, internal business operations alone are not sufficient for the breakthrough of the company in its business development. Internal business operations depend on the general development of the organization. If the organization uses advanced technologies and employees are motivated to conduct research and introduce innovations, they can perform effectively. Therefore, internal business operations depend on multiple factors.

At the same time, the company should focus on both internal and external improvements. To put it more precisely, the company has to conduct internal improvements through the improvement of internal relations within the company and on the introduction of technological changes, innovations and other changes which lead to the improvement of the company-customer relationships and its marketing position. The company can stimulate employees to develop innovations and to enhance its performance consistently. The development of the business successfully is quite complex but the Clipboard Tablet Co. has the potential and resources to develop the business. The company can improve its performance following recommendations concerning its marketing strategy and policies.

At the same time, the development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. still confronts numerous problems, which interfere in the successful business development. In fact, the development of the company raises the problem of the accelerated business development. The company can enhance its position but substantial changes and investments are needed. Therefore, the company still has a long way to go to reach a consistently better position in the market.

Thus, the business development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. is quite challenging and problems identified in the company need immediate solution. However, different recommendations elaborated in the course of the study of the company may have a negative impact on the marketing performance of the company and business development of the Clipboard Tablet Co. In this regard, the company suffers from the steady deterioration of the position of the company in the market because of the poor investments in the research and development. In such a situation, the recommendation to raise investments in the research and development is the key to the overall success of the company in the market. In addition, the company should stimulate the introduction of innovations and improvement of the quality of products and services offered to customers.