Essay on Religion in Schools

Essay on Religion in Schools

In the chapter 6 of the book Introduction to the Foundations of American Education, the author discusses a number of important issues connected with religion in schools, including court-established guidelines related to religious activities in public schools. It is known that “our nation has a strong religious heritage” that is why religion plays a significant role in education of American students (Johnson et al., 2005, p. 189).  Many private schools in the USA are under religious sponsorship.  However, the issue concerning the role of religion in schools is a controversial one. The fact that “a state law requires a daily prayer to be read in classrooms throughout the state” proves that it can deprive students of liberty (Johnson et al., 2005, p. 190). It can be viewed as a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. It is clear that states have no right to make laws that abridge the privileges of the U.S. citizens, and each student should have right to the free practice of religion. Some other important issues discussed in this chapter include the use of public funds to support religious schools, incorporation of prayer into classroom activities, the practice of religion at schools, and the religious use of public facilities. The authors of the book represent a number of legal cases which prove that religious issues at schools are of public concern. I state that American students should be informed of their rights and should be offered an opportunity to express their opinions. It is necessary to avoid discrimination of those students who observe other religions. That is why it is of great importance to follow the guiding principles for the association of prayer and religion in public schools.

In addition, it is very important to have the appropriate knowledge about the legal basis and framing of the public education system, the legal rights and responsibilities of teachers and students. I am sure that each student should know the major legal provision for education: 10-th Amendment, 1-st Amendment, 14-th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.