Essay on Open Immgration

Essay on Open Immgration

The core focus of the paper is to argue that open immigration should not be in the United States of America. However, this question is popular among contemporary community. Thus, there are a lot of different views and opinions. People cannot move to in the United States of America free. One can mention that open immigration can be a great benefit for the United States of America in the economic area, not including the obscuring that population of the USA might double or even more. Definitely, the GDP will increase. Though, because of such population the USA can become an “exceptional” nation in that case, including funds, which can send a man to another planet easily or perpetually hold – up in Afghanistan.

“Prior to and during World War II, U.S. government officials intentionally used immigration controls to prevent German Jews from escaping the horrors of Nazi Germany by coming to America. Many of us are familiar with the infamous “voyage of the damned,” in which a German ship was prohibited from landing in Miami because it carried Jewish refugees” (Blume 8). Vann mentioned that every year there are about 2 million immigrants in the USA. Further still, if the free immigration will be real in the country its level will increase in about 75 times, so that the number of immigrants will be over 300 million in two years. In addition, that is not suitable and needed to our country.

It must be noticed that the discussion exists because of the problem, which has appeared because of the abandoning of free moving to the USA. However, people have been moving free in the USA for a long time. The reasons of not allowing open immigration in the USA are different. For example, causes lie in politics and interests of special groups, in moral principles rather than in economic terms– the cause of living standards being raised.

In conclusion, there are a lot of fears that make the possibility of open immigration extremely low: the fear for human traffic, for national security, for welfare (“welfare magnet theory”), for immigrants being alien to native population and others. To sum up, the problem will not disappear until the solution will be found. I believe the open immigration will not benefit to the USA, thus, I tried to prove this through the paper. “To solve problems I don’t ask “What can the government do?” Instead, I ask, “What has the government done to cause or contribute to these problems in the first place?” Undo that and you have a solution” (Schoolland 2).