Essay on Neil Armstrong – the First Man on the Moon

Essay on Neil Armstrong – the First Man on the Moon

Neil Armstrong headed Apollo 11 in the flight to the MoonHe was the commander of Apollo 11, who flied to the Moon and back, conducting scientific experiments, walking on the Moon and, thus, making the great progress in science and airspace industry. Neil Armstrong became the first man walking on the Moon’s surface and, thus, he contributed to the accelerated development of airspace industry worldwide and increased interests of the world community to the scientific study of the space as one, united community of humans, who inhabit a planet in the space.

At the beginning of the program, Neil Armstrong was appointed as a commander of Apollo 11 in 1968. The team consisted of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. All team members were well-trained and prepared for the flight. They had advanced equipment to complete the Apollo 11 program successfully.

After the successful but hard flight, Apollo 11 landing on the Moon was technically difficult but the team, being prepared and well-trained, completed the landing successfully. In the course of the flight, Apollo 11 had some problems, but they were insignificant and they reached the Moon, according to their plan. Several computer alarm errors appeared in the course of the flight but they were declined by CAPCOM as insignificant. The landing took more time than expected because Armstrong looked for a safe place to land.

Thus, the landing occurred on July 20, 1969 and the major goal of Apollo 11 program had been achieved. The landing was successful and breathtaking all the same. After the landing Neil Armstrong made his first steps on the Moon’s surface that brought him the world’s fame.

In fact, the landing on the Moon and the successful return of Apollo 11 team headed by Neil Armstrong was the breakthrough in airspace exploration and human technology.  Apollo 11 program encouraged the progress of science and technology. The first landing and walk on the Moon accelerated the development of science. The first landing and walk on the Moon became possible due to available technologies.

The landing and walk on the Moon was the greatest achievement in the exploration of the outer space because they allowed to elaborate technology of flight and landing and to collect important materials and information concerning the Moon and outer space. The flight and landing provided information on the travel for long distance and revealed possible difficulties which could not be foreseen before the flight. The flight helped to prove that humans can travel in the space for a long distance

Thus, not a single person has reached the Moon before and after Neil Armstrong. His mission accelerated the development of science and technology. The success of Neil Armstrong and his team opened the new era in the exploration of the outer space and in the development of airspace industry.