Today, the development of post-secondary education in Canada is crucial for the future career opportunities of students. However, many students are deprived of the possibility of obtaining post-secondary education because of high costs of post-secondary education. In actuality, the high costs of post-secondary education raise unsurpassable barriers for many Canadians from low-income families. At this point, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the development of the equal access to education is a strategic goal for Canada. Otherwise, a large number of Canadians will left aside of education process and the gap between educated and non-educated Canadians will grow wider. In such a context, the elimination of barriers in the education is crucial to maintain democracy and equal access to education but to meet this goal the government of Canada should consider about making post-secondary education free charge of tuition.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the fact that free education is extremely important for the contemporary society. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that free education is actually beneficial. To put it more precisely, free education open access to all students in Canada. In such a situation, Canadians will have an opportunity to have access to education and, therefore, they will be able to realize their opportunities, talents and inclinations. Therefore, Canada can benefit from the fast economic development due to the improvement of the intellectual potential of the country.

In addition, free education in Canada has a number of economic benefits. Students obtaining post-secondary education will be free from debts & loan, whereas today tuition is increased up to $10,000. As a result, students will be able to work and gain money starting their professional career after the graduation. In such a way, they can improve their socioeconomic position from their education because they can use their earnings for the improvement of their socioeconomic position, instead of paying off debts and bank loans.

In such a situation, free charge post-secondary education will provide equal opportunity for both poor and rich. In such a way, education will not be a privilege of rich anymore. Instead, education will be available to all and representatives of all social classes will benefit from free charge post-secondary education. The elimination of socioeconomic barriers is crucial for the development of the democratic society, where all people have equal opportunities to realize their full potential in regard to their skills, abilities and knowledge. Therefore, free charge post-secondary education opens the way for the elimination of social barriers.

Furthermore, Canadians have more choices for future career without any concerns. This means that students will not need to limit their career choices limiting their choices in education. In such a way, free charge post-secondary education opens larger opportunities for socioeconomic development of the country. In fact, education helps students to choose their professional career according to their internal inclinations, gifts and personal goals. Furthermore, the development of free charge post-secondary education can help to improve the professional level of students because they will be able to focus entirely on their education. What is meant here is the fact that today students have to do part-time jobs to earn for their post-secondary education and to afford their education. Hence, students have less time to learn and they have to work more. After the introduction of free charge post-secondary education, students will be able to refuse from part-time jobs and to focus on education entirely. Naturally, if students spend more time on education, then they will receive education of the high quality.

In fact, free charge post-secondary education lessens student’s stresses and makes them to be released from the debts. Let them study however they want. The more time they spend in school, the more loans the students will get. As a result, students will have better educational opportunities and they will get better career opportunities. Students can focus on their education and professional development without focusing on their financial resources. In such a way, free charge post-secondary education can improve economic opportunities of students.

Furthermore, free charge post-secondary education provides more choices for future career. Well-educated students have more advantages to increase their skills and abilities to use new technology and come up with more creative ideas in real-world industry. Hence Canadian economy would earn a comparative advantage in the global economy. The rise of the intellectual potential of the nation improves consistently the economic potential of the country and can accelerate the economic growth. In fact, education is crucial for the economic development of countries. To put it more precisely, education contributes to the wider introduction of innovations, the development of new technologies, the progress of science and, therefore, the overall technological and socioeconomic progress.

In fact, free education means “equal society”. Not just to the rich, but also poor individuals should have a chance to attend school where they are desired to go in order to enhance their future. At this point, education can become the powerful tool, which can provide Canadians with equal opportunities in broad socioeconomic terms because education opens better job opportunities. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that free charge post-secondary education lays the foundation to the new society and to the equality of all Canadians. As the matter of fact, Canadians can change their attitude to education, if free charge post-secondary education is introduced because it contributes to the development of larger opportunities for obtaining any education they like to obtain. In such a way, education becomes not a privilege but social good. Consequently, the state should take the responsibility and introduce free-charge post-secondary education to create equal opportunities for all Canadians.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the introduction of free post-secondary education is the effective way to improve the socioeconomic situation in Canada and to close gaps between different social classes. A free post-secondary education system is good and beneficial to all. Canadians will have ample opportunities to obtain education which they like on the equal ground. As a result, knowledge and skills of students will become prior to their financial capabilities. Hence, the quality of education will improve consistently. Therefore, free charge post-secondary education results in an equal society. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that free post-secondary education contributes to the consistent improvement of the quality of life in Canada. In such a situation, Canada’s government must comprehend the importance of free charge of post-secondary education in guaranteeing future success.