Computer and video games Essay

Computer and video games Essay

Computerization of our lives has long been a familiar process and brought with it many problems. This applies to computer games and video – especially since they basically addicted children and adolescents. Nowadays there is a widespread belief that they are dangerous to the child’s mind: games contribute to the development of aggressiveness, narrow the range of interests, impoverish the emotional sphere of children, etc. there is also an opinion that some computer and video games provoke aggressive behavior, war and violence, right-wing extremism. Nevertheless, the accumulated empirical data and results of different studies do not allow us to speak of clearly negative influences of computer games on the psyche of children and adolescents. Thus, a huge impact of computer games on the users has made these games a tool with great potential for learning, education, for the spread of religious ideology, political thoughts, etc.
The main disadvantages of computer games are mainly related to the excessive addiction to them. In this paper it is necessary to speak about the negative influence of video and computer games on children.

Are video games good or bad for us?
Computer games are a form of entertainment, carried out between the player and an electronic device equipped with the program and the controller. Many computer games are video games as well as they produce moving images reflected on a TV screen or monitor.
Let’s consider the impact of video games on a child or adolescent.
First let’s review some positive influence of games, as some researchers claim that games for childhood and adolescence are particularly important for their psychological, social and mental development. Computer games are to some extent complementary to the usual children’s games. Because video games have certain rules and a certain atmosphere, they require from children logical behavior and tactical actions. Many children and adults like computer games because of the opportunity to change the scenario of the games and their complexity, that contribute to ability to make decisions in complex situations. the development of. Besides computer games help to develop imagination, logic, memory and mathematical skills. Group computer games also help to develop the spirit of rivalry in a group of people and raise the general mood within certain group. Among the educational opportunities of computer and video games can be called a simplification of the methods of teaching, learning a new world with the help of computer programs. (Markman 2010)
But for all that we can not close our eyes to the shortcomings of computer games. These drawbacks can be divided into two groups – causing physical harm and causing moral harm and educational.
Studies have shown that prolonged use of video games is detrimental to eyesight, spine, arms and neck. In addition, playing games affects the circulatory system and digestive system. Nausea and dizziness, epilepsy and skin diseases are among negative effects of a long-term use of computer games. Provocation of feelings of aggression, withdrawal, laziness of thought, the deterioration of character and ability to learn, as well as negative effects on family factors are destroying moral factors, which appear as a result of depending on computer games.
Of course the negative impact of computer games is not only in the above statements, the quality and content of the games are also factors that require special consideration. International organizations of physical and psychological health every year report about the connection between aggression in the media and aggression in society, especially among children. They say that the aggression coming from the media (including video games) is very dangerous because it influences many people. (Gentile et al., 2003)
Among the negative impacts of video and computer games are called dependency: the researchers believe that computer games are addictive and very dangerous, as can lead to unnatural dependence of youth on these games. According to psychologists, this is a very serious problem. It is so dynamic that the organization Smith & Jones Addiction Consultants, dedicated to the treatment of addictions, planed to open a clinic for treatment of games addiction in Europe. And in China such a clinic, the first in the world, was opened in 2005, where specialists help children and adolescents to get rid of video games and Internet addiction.
We must admit that to immediately abandon computer and video games is not necessary, and it is impossible today. Children and adolescents must first learn to look at the computer as a tool, not as a substitute for reality, as the computer replaces for “gamers” the real world. And this is the most difficult task, and it is necessary first to understand exactly why people want to go into a different reality (maybe because of person’s diffidence, inability to communicate with others, conflicts). So it is necessary first to remove the cause, and then the consequence. In many cases the reason of children video games addiction is lack of parental love, parental attention. In that case parents should review their lifestyle and attitude to the child. (Sheff, 2004)

Public opinion has repeatedly expressed negative attitude towards computer games, arguing that they contribute to the destruction of the children psyche, develop aggression, cause depletion of the emotional sphere. Disputes about the useful and the harmful effects of computer and video games are very complicated.
But we must remember that in certain life periods computer and video game, just like any other games, have a positive effect on child’s intellectual development. Another issue is that a huge passion for games is sometimes exhausting for children mentally and spiritually. So we can suggest a simple conclusion: children can play computer games, but it should be done cautiously, as it is better not to allow to play in violent, bloody games, but to give preference to educational games (like solving of puzzles), which are also very popular now.