Free Essay Sample Papers


The Black Death Essay

The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. The disease spread fast and covered the territory from China to England and the ultimate western part of Europe, covering almost entire Europe within several years. The disease was a true mystery for Medieval people, whereas the medicine was under-developed to cope […]


Homer The Odyssey Essay

Odysseus is a person of strong character who knows a lot and who has a huge experience. He learns more and more about the world around him and about himself due to the numerous travelings. He showed himself as a courageous warrior who has his military tactics and who can easily find the way out […]


Orthodox Christianity Essay

Orthodox Christianity developed as a branch of Christianity but it was always quite different from Catholicism as the major Christian rival of Orthodox Christianity. In such a situation, I was extremely interested in attending an Orthodox Christian temple, where I could observe the rites, which were traditional for Orthodox Christians and marked specificities of Orthodox […]


Real World Ethics -Tata Consultancy Essay

It is a well-known fact that people who keep on learning during all their life are becoming more and more successful. If somebody wants to get a better paid job he or she should definitely learn a lot and get the needed skills and experience. One may develop within his or her native country but […]


Buddhist Riots of 1963 Essay

Taking into account opinion that any kind of country’s development is cyclical it is possible to say that the main characteristic of cycles is a crisis; thus, issues of practical importance appear, respectively. In this paper it is necessary to discuss Buddhist riots of 1963 as a turning point in a history of South Vietnam […]


Strategic Leadership Essay

Harrison and Pelletier (1997) indicate that the determinants of strategic leadership constitute those factors which contribute significantly to success, fully implemented strategic decisions. CEOs may expect positive results from the strategic leadership and decision making if these factors will be used in the right time, place and way We may name a few challenges that […]


The Principles of Management in the Private and Public Sector Essay

This paper is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of management in the public and private sectors. It discusses in detail the approaches to the definition of a general set of functions of management which are characteristic for both private and governmental organizations. A large part of the paper is devoted to the analysis […]


Link Between Childhood Obesity and Academic Outcome Essay

Currently, obesity is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world: according to the WHO, by the early twenty-first century, overweight was about 30% of the planet. The most significant medical consequences of obesity – type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases – lead to high level of disability and premature death in the […]