Free Essay Sample Papers


How is working memory essay

To start with, it should be said that memory – is one of the mental functions and types of mental activities designed to preserve, store and reproduce information. The ability to store information for a long time about the events of the outside world and the reactions of the body and reuse it in mind […]


How memories are formed in the brain essay

It should be noted that memorization – is the process of memory, by which imprinting occur tracks, introducing new elements of sensation, perception, thought or experience in associative links. The establishment of semantic relationships – is the result of the work of thinking over the content of memorized material. Storage – is the accumulation of […]


What we know about brain mechanisms in memory essay

Our memory is arranged in such a way that it first enters any of the information that we can memorize and then retrieve at the correct time. And if we forget something, it may help to remember hypnosis or stressful situation, according to Charles A. Morgan III (2004). In fact, the memory is retrieved from […]


Knowledge of the brain can be used to help suffering from memory problems essay

Poor memory is a real problem of modern society. Nowadays there are many approaches and scientific knowledge that can help people who suffer from memory problems. It should be said that a problem with memory can occur at any age, according to Intellectual Resources May Help Soldiers Stave Off Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (2002). Many reasons […]


Role of age and environment in memories essay

It is important to say that age and environment play considerable role in how memories are formed and maintained, as when a person is older, his memory becomes weaker. Environment also matters in the formation of the memory, as it determines a person’s mood, health condition, influence of other people, etc. The gradual decline in […]


Current economic processes in China essay

In the first decade of this century, a very dynamic development of the Chinese economy was observed: the average annual growth rate of GDP in 2001-2011 was on average greater than 10% (The World Bank, 2013). Even in 2009, i.e. in the most acute phase of the global economic crisis, this indicator reached 9.2% (People’s […]


China Economic Report essay

The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest civilizations existing in the world, and is now more than three and a half thousand years old. The secret to such amazing longevity is largely predetermined by the peculiar nature of China’s socio-economic development since ancient times, as well as the unique culture and religion. However, an […]


The Power of Context by Malcolm Gladwell essay

The Tipping Point is the debut work of a famous American marketer Malcolm Gladwell which explores the mechanisms of emergence and development of social epidemics. It is about how using tipping points any person can radically change one’s life; the author also provides an answer to the question of why certain information (like habits or […]