Free Essay Sample Papers


The short story “Mauser” by Louise Erdrich essay

The short story “Mauser” by Louise Erdrich is set for the most part in the road-construction company’s office, near Sioux Falls. The narrator is a woman working as an accountant in the same company. She was having an affair with a co-worker Travis Houpart. One night when she breaks up with her boyfriend, Travis approaches […]


Moral System Submission essay

There is no doubt that emotions and feelings shape people’s mental and social lives. In fact, they are important to a moral system as a whole. Moral consciousness is a spiritual side of morality: norms and principles of conduct, goals, emotions, feelings, beliefs, and other common factors. It is a reflection of people’s vital practical […]


Nursing essay

It is a truth that growth and physical maturation are considered to be the main dynamic processes, which encompass a wide row of cellular and even somatic changes. Thus, the main aim of the essay is to discuss two growth changes that occur within the first year. Let us begin from the fact that the […]


Nursing Informatics Competencies Assessment Paper

Nursing informatics is a discipline which integrates computer and information science with nursing profession. Informatics competencies are a must for every professional nurse nowadays. The basis of the nursing informatics competencies are user-level competencies related to working knowledge of basic software programs and processes (Park, Murray & Delaney, 2006). My current informatics competencies are the […]


Obsessive-compulsive disorder essay

According to the description given in the ICD-10, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental disorder, the main features of which are recurring obsessive thoughts and compulsions (rituals). In a broad sense, the core of OCD is the obsessional syndrome, which is a state with predominance of feelings, thoughts, fears, memories in the clinical picture occurring against […]


Psychological Approaches Used in Managing Pain essay

All people experience some kind of pain in their life. Pain is one of the most common reasons why people refer to health care services (Boyd, 2013). There are many factors influencing pain: different causes of pain, different intensity and location of pain, etc. Pain is unpleasant and causes suffering, but at the same time […]


Types of pain essay

Pain is the signal of distress sent by the body; it is hard to define pain in a precise way though. One of the definitions of pain is the following: “the feeling of suffering or agony, caused by stimulation of specialized nerve endings” (Rosdahl & Kowalski, 2008, p.704). According to the classification of the International […]


Psychological factors contributing to the perception of pain essay

Earlier pain management was predominantly focused on physiological nature of pain. However, researchers identified that there exist numerous psychological factors which influence the perception of pain. For example, religious beliefs of a person or the intentional nature of harm might change one’s perception of pain. It was determined that practicing Catholics felt less pain from […]