Free Essay Sample Papers


Poisoning of a former Russian spy in Britain: Russia to blame?

Russia was condemned by the British Prime Minister in another misfortune that has recently happened in southern England. She claimed that Russia was responsible for the nerve agent attack on the former Russian spy and she also stated that reprisals are quite probable. Britain has already experienced the poisoning of other influential figures on its […]


Hollywood sexual harassment essay

Another Hollywood scandal: Hollywood stars accused of sexual harassment Hollywood stars continue to be accused of sexual assault as more and more victims come to the scene. As for the most recent accusations, they affected a number of world-class actors and reputable directors. The sexual abuse scandal has recently aggravated as some more accusations against […]


Essay on cryptocurrency: All you should know about Bitcoin

The word cryptocurrency stands for an encrypted digital currency that can be transmitted and validated through a specific process generally referred to as mining. We will further investigate how cryptocurrencies actually work and what types of cryptocurrencies there are. Here is a brief overview of the main properties of cryptocurrency and essential facts you should [...]

Doping scandal: Russian athletes competing as neutrals. What next?

Doping in the sphere of Russian sports is distinguished by a systemic character. It is worth noting that Russia has been previously accused of abusing doping in over 50 cases during the Olympic Games. It therefore rightfully occupies the first place in the world in terms of doping violations. During the previous years, numerous Russian […]


Global Governance Essay

Global governance means a direction toward political cooperation between different nations aimed at addressing a wide range of global problems that affect each nation. There are several institutions of global governance, including the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Criminal Court and others. Hence, there is no global government to control the world collectively. […]


Wal-Mart Marketing Essay

In this paper, we are going to study the marketing strategies, historically applied by the specialists of Wal-Mart and their influences upon the development of Wal-Mart. In order to have some clear picture of this business, it seems necessary to provide some brief historical overview about Wal-Mart. Most people are sure, that discount retailing appeared […]


North Korean Threat Essay

North Korea is an outcast state. At least, this is what the entire world is accustomed to. The world is frightened by North Korean ambitions, nuclear program and tests of its latest weapons, especially missiles that may hit not only the traditional enemy of North Korea, South Korea, but also allies of South Korea, such […]


Las Vegas Shooting Essay

Las Vegas shooting has become one more terror attack that has revealed pitfalls in the national security system of the US. The shooting has revealed the failure of the US law enforcement agencies and the Department of Homeland Security to prevent terror attacks that may cause dozens of victims. At the same time, Las Vegas [...]