Business and Marketing Teacher essay

Business and Marketing Teacher essay

It is not a secret that today the effectiveness of work of any teacher depends not only on the teaching style and the appropriate teaching techniques, but also on the personal characteristics of a teacher, including his/her skills, abilities, plans, desires and goals. Jamie Whaley, a member of Aspen Education Development Group, states that “the days when teachers closed their doors and went quietly about their business are long gone” (12). It means that today’s teachers should be flexible, communicative and team-oriented.

Mark Maurer, a Business & Marketing teacher at Nassau Community College, is ready to share his ideas about his teaching practice in the following face to face interview. The major goals of this interview included the following:

  • To learn more about the major difficulties Mark Maurer, as a Business & Marketing teacher, encountered with his students during his first year of teaching.
  • To discuss the major modifications in his teaching style that he has made since his first year of teaching Business & Marketing in the educational institution.
  • To learn more about the motivational strategies used to maintain greater interest in students.
  • To discuss the major teaching methods/techniques.
  • To discuss the most satisfying and challenging aspects of Mark Maurer’s job.
  • To learn more about certain changes in vocational education, and how the student population has changed in recent years.
  • To ask Mark Maurer for advice to those individuals who are beginning their teacher preparation program.
  • To determine what traits are of great importance to become an excellent CTE teacher.

In this face to face interview Mark Maurer, a full-time Business & Marketing teacher at Nassau Community College, gives description of certain difficulties he encountered with his students during his first year of teaching. These difficulties include lack of students’ attention during the lesson, inappropriate preparation and problems with homework assignments, and absence from classes without any reason.

In addition, Mark Maurer shares his ideas about the significance of the appropriate modifications in his teaching style. He pays special attention to the structure of the lesson and always informs his students of the major goals of the lesson. Besides, Mark Maurer wants to improve his communication skills and always learns the names of his students in order to call them by names in the process of teaching.

Moreover, Mark Maurer shares with us his motivational strategies which help him to maintain interest in his students. He tries to keep all students engaged during the class and prefers to teach in a classroom with a Smart Board because it provides collaborative learning. The Smart Board is interactive and captures students’ attention.

In the interview, Mark Maurer describes the teaching methods and techniques which help him to succeed in the teaching process. He uses the Socratic Method, which relies on asking and answering questions and discussing rather than dictating facts that need to be memorized.

One more important fact is that he tries to involve his students in communication process by asking questions and testing their knowledge.

It is very interesting to know about the most satisfying and challenging aspects of Mark Maurer’s job. One of the most satisfying aspects is when his students let him know that he positively impacted their lives and motivated them to reach their goals and aspirations.  One of the most challenging aspects is based on disciplinary problems. Some students are irresponsible and do not follow the established rules and regulations. They miss classes and have gaps in their knowledge. Mark Maurer is interested in good results of his job that is why he wants his students to have conscientious attitude to his lessons.

Additionally, in the face to face interview, Mark Maurer discusses certain changes in vocational education in recent years, including the use of new innovative technology (Smart Boards, on-line classes, e-books, etc.). Educational technology “improves the quality of teaching process and sharpens students’ awareness”, in accordance with Kumani (25). Mark Maurer also states that it is very important for students to develop hard and soft skills, good communication skills and learn more about business ethics. Mark Maurer is sure that the student population has changed in recent years. Now more and more adult students attend college. More and more students ignore proper preparation for classes, and, as a result, they do not have the required skills.

In addition, the interviewee gives a good advice to those individuals who are beginning their teacher preparation program. He states that it is very important to remember that teaching students should bring pleasure, but not aggression or dissatisfaction. Young teachers should be ready to work long hours. Mark Maurer suggests that it would be better to keep a journal of quick little ideas about teaching. This can be a great resource later. In order to become an excellent CTE teacher, it is necessary to be patient and tolerant, cooperative and open to change, and have good communication and interpersonal skills.