Black Boy essay

Black Boy essay


The main aim of this paper is to answer the question how Richard Wright in the book “Black Boy” speaks to the readers as an adult and, at the same time, maintains an illusion that a child is speaking in the book.

First of all, it is important to note that Richard Wright wrote his book in the form of an autobiographic story, where he shared with the readers not only the events of the own life, but also the own true emotions and feelings. The author used a real facts form the own biography to demonstrate all the hardships of Afro-American people in their struggle against the world of white people. Moreover, Wright embodied the best traits of his people by his own personality and dramatic fate.

The book helps us to understand that the author, coming from the lower classes, has known horror of racism in its most terrible ‘southern’ version since his early childhood. In such a way, the novel “Black Boy” speaks to the readers as an adult (being written by an adult author and using very serious concepts, and talking about really adult problems), but there still exist the author’s early memories about his childhood which demonstrate the life from the point of view of a little boy, who has a lot of fears and wishes. In addition, the book maintains an illusion that a child is speaking to the audience because Wright experienced many of the described events and difficulties on himself in his youngest years, and this experience allowed him to be the more persuasive in his presentation of facts in the book.

To sum up, the book is written in such interesting form because Richard Wright knew for exact that any black person is persuaded by the feelings of fear and loneliness from the early childhood, so existential category had not been for him the theoretical models, and answered his own personal experience.