Behavior essay

Behavior essay

Human life is reflected by the behavior and activity of a person. Many actions of the person turn into habitual behavior becoming mechanic automatic actions. This is a point when behavior may be called an addiction. The addiction makes our movements less restricted and the level of conscious attention to what we are doing is decreased. In other words, addiction is what makes our behavior a necessity.  Addictive behavior is characterized by positive emotional reactions to the habitual actions along with negative feelings in case the habitual actions can not be fulfilled.

The process of conscious control of our habits is basically the control of behavior. There are different kinds of addiction. One of them is known as pathological gambling. However, there has been much debate as to including pathological gambling into the category of an addictive behavior. It is well-known that even bad habits that are harmful for our health are perceived as a normal phenomenon – something pleasant and necessary. Addiction is one of the forms of destructive behavior that is expressed in a desire to run away from reality by doing something accompanied with intensive emotions (Sumitra & Miller 35). This process captivates a person to such extent that it starts controlling the person’s life. People become helpless when it comes to their addictions. The same happens when people are pathologically addicted to gambling. Exactly for this reason, pathological gambling is considered one of the forms of the addictive behavior.

Just like gambling, excessive use of the Internet or playing on game systems are certain forms of addictive behavior that are characterized by constant involvement and the steady increase of time period spent in the Internet or playing video-games. These forms of addiction are also characterized by losing interest to everyday life, losing control over one’s own behavior which means the disability to stop using social network or playing games when it is necessary. These addictive behaviors are also accompanied with constant thoughts about the process of using the Internet or playing games.