Atomic Bombings essay

Atomic Bombings essay

It is known that in 1545, during the final stages of the World War II, the Allied forces conducted two powerful atomic bombings against two cities in Japan – Hiroshima (on August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (on August 9, 1945). It was the first time when nuclear weapons as the weapons of annihilation, was used at war (Langley, 2006, p.16). These atomic bombs were the most terrible and murderous weapon which had the strength of almost 20,000 tons of ordinary explosives.  These bombs were the key products of the secret Manhattan Project, which cost the U.S.A. government about $2 billion. The atomic bombs produced heat of several millions of degrees high, as well as visible ultraviolet and inferred rays which are dangerous.  The nuclear reaction is caused by atomic fission. It is known when the atoms are bombarded by neutrons they will be broken into two equal parts which can release the energy. In any nuclear chain reaction, the minimum amount of fissile material, which includes the substances to release energy through the process of fission, is known as critical mass. When they add some additional material to the reaction, it leads to the creation of a supercritical state, in which there is an increase in the rate of the reaction. It means that the mass begins to expand because of the increased pressure and intense heat. It is found that there were extensive amounts of radiation released by the nuclear bombs (Langley, 2006, p.21). The short term effects on the residents were the following: residents got radiation poisoning which damaged their internal organs and prevented the division of cells. The long term effects came in the children of the residents who were affected by the radioactivity – mutation of some genes, causing serious health disorders (Poolos, 2008, p.18).

I think that radiation is one of the most dangerous things in the world. The atomic bombing attacks of 1945 in Japan prove the fact that radiation can cause terrible consequences for all humanity. There is no doubt that the atomic bombs which were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1925 were a terrible mistake. The devastating effects of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are depressing when we look at the severe diseases and numerous deaths caused by the nuclear bombing. Thousands of people were killed and thousands of people suffer from negative effects of radiation today. According to the statistical data, about 79,000 people were injured in Hiroshima, and about 75,000 – in Nagasaki; and about 118, 000 people were killed in Hiroshima and about 74,000 – in Nagasaki (Poolos, 2008, p.12).

I am sure that there could be adequate protection from an atomic explosion if it were to happen today, because the intensive development of new technologies gives an opportunity to find new methods of protection from radiation. However, I do not think that all countries of the world will have an opportunity to implement these innovations because they cost much money. It means that today it is still difficult to have adequate protection from atomic explosion. That is why it is very important to avoid the intensive use of radiation, even for peaceful purposes.