Admission Application esssay

Admission Application esssay

It is known that the individual’s character plays an important role in further achievements. Today good leadership skills give an opportunity to succeed both in the career and personal life. My leadership experience helps me to influence others and resolve different disputes. In most cases, I can help my group members to cope with difficulties in academic process and social activity. I am ready to accept any work with cheerfulness and to face challenges with courage. My responsibilities to initiatives taken in and out of school are focused on honesty, leadership skills, self-esteem, self-confidence, respect for others and mutual understanding.

My special interests are closely connected with my future profession. As I am going to be an electric engineer, I pay special attention to physics. I am fond of reading books and journals on application of electricity and electromagnetism. I know that this knowledge will help me in my future profession. As I am a creative person, I try to advance new ideas concerning the use of electricity in different projects. In most cases, my friends and relatives are greatly impressed by my original ideas and willingness to try new things. I am sure that creativity will help me to facilitate my job and improve its quality.

I am against racial discrimination. I think that it is wrong to treat people unequally. Moreover, in order to succeed in career, it is very important to have positive attitude towards other people. The most significant challenge I have faced in my life is connected with racism. The tragedy of September 11 has become the main reason for the acts of racial discrimination. I realize that racism should not exist in any civilized society. I always try to explain people that it is wrong to divide people into different groups and have unequal attitude towards this or that group. However, today the situation in the world is changing. More and more people understand that racism, violence and intolerance should be stamped out in our society. I am always ready to share my ideas concerning racism, violence and intolerance with the EWU community members.

I know that each person should take an active part in the life of its community. As for me, I always try to find some original ideas to improve the life of my community. For example, last year I took part in a rather interesting project in my community. In Morocco, I organized a group of young people and developed a special project “Making Our World Better”. Ten young people including myself helped our community members to clean the streets and repair damaged roofs. The results of this project were positive. Our streets were cleaned and all damaged roofs were repaired.

I am sure that any initiative and self-confident person should establish his major goals in life in order to accomplish them and to succeed in life. As for me, my present day goals are closely connected with my education. I consider that education plays an important role in the life of any individual. As my major goal is to get good education at Eastern Washington University, the well-known higher education institution in the United States, I will try to do my best to succeed in my academic process and to master the profession of electric engineer.