Do UFOs Exist? essay

Do UFOs Exist? essay

For many centuries people have been interested in solving numerous mysteries of the universe, one of which is the mystery of life on other planets. Therefore, the question of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and unidentified flying objects has been and remains one of the most exciting and mysterious to mankind.

UFOs are unidentified flying objects are, but nobody knows exactly what it is. Many researchers (called “ufologists”) have different theories which try to explain what is a UFO, but since no one can study the UFO in a scientific laboratory, all of these ideas are nothing more than scientific guesses. (Greer 2009)

It is possible to offer the following definition of a UFO, given by the American Association of UFO “CUFOS”, which can be useful when considering this topic: “UFO is an observation of an object or light source in the sky or on earth, which appearance, trajectory, actions, movement and color of the light emitted does not have a logical or natural explanation and which can not be explained not only by witnesses, but also by scientific and technical experts after examination of the evidence”. (Greer 2009)

The first mentions of a UFO are known from ancient times, and in the XXth century hundreds of scientists and  thousands of ordinary people around the world began to study the issue. Numerous facts of unidentified flying objects put a formal science in rather awkward position. Today there are thousands of credible reports of UFOs, were made hundreds of movies and records of them, but none so far can give a clear answer to the question about existence of UFO. But there is plenty of evidence and data about UFOs, including  photos and video, that can not be ignored. Some of this evidence can not be explained by science and have no logical explanation. Therefore, many scientists for more than 50 years are engaged in studying this issue and over the years have collected a lot of facts about UFOs. (Greer 2009)

In this paper we consider some facts and evidence of the UFOs that have been collected since ancient times and in the XXth century that can confirm the hypothesis of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.