Essay on Divorce and Remarriage

Essay on Divorce and Remarriage

It is known that family plays an important in our society. Today there are certain changes in family living and household composition, what has enormous impact on the development of our society. Some significant issues are closely connected with “the growth of domestic partnerships and decline in the popularity of marriage, as well as growth in the number of divorces, remarriage (serial monogamy), re-formed or step-families, single parenthood, joint custody, abortions, and two-career households” (Jagger 20). That is why the debates concerning family values take into consideration certain implications of these changes as well as their causes and consequences in the life of society. The main concerns lie in contemporary changes in the family relations and gender relations which lead to the shift from the traditional model of the family with a male breadwinner at the head and an economically dependent female home-maker (Jagger 21).

The issues concerning marriage and divorce take a special place in our society as these social phenomena can change the life of individuals and their contribution to the development of society. The major goal of this paper is to discuss such family issues as divorce and remarriage and their impact on the families in the United States and in some other countries of the world.