Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay

It is known that health care is one of the major concerns for all people. When individual’s health is damaged, the help of health care specialists is of great importance. However, medical expenses can seriously impact family finances. In this case, health care coverage will incur expenses of health issues. The main cause of maintaining health care coverage is protection from any unexpected situations which can lead to serious diseases including different injures and traumas. (Malone, 2011, para.2) The effects of health care coverage include not only financial security and stability of an individual whose life and health are covered and his access to timely and better health care, which leads to good job performance, but also considerable savings and feeling of security.

One of the most important effects of health care coverage is access to timely and better health care which helps to detect diseases at early stage. This effect can be considered as a physical one, as it improves physical state of individuals. In this case, preventive care which includes immunizations against serious diseases, and periodic blood tests and blood pressure monitoring is of great importance. (Malone, 2011, para.3)Besides, health care coverage gives the insured individuals an opportunity to have a consultation of the appropriate health care specialist. In the above mentioned cases, the insurance company will cover all costs. It means that access of timely and better health care provides better job performance. The researches prove the fact that those adults who have sick children improve their job performance if they are covered. The covered employees remain healthier as they get timely health care and avoid serious consequences of dangerous diseases. (Malone, 2011, para.5)

The other effect of health care coverage is an economic one as it leads to financial security and stability. In case of accident or serious disease, long-term health care is required. Health care coverage can help to cover these medical costs. This is extremely important for low-income families who have no opportunity to afford expensive and extended treatment in the hospital or medical center. (Anderson & Eamon, 2005, para.1)It is known that the federal government developed and launched special programs such as Medicaid, in order to improve low-income health care coverage. (Anderson & Eamon, 2005, para.2) Besides, if health care coverage is given to the individual by his or her employer, he or she can save money because the premium payments are lower.

Moreover, the significant effect of health care coverage is a psychological one which provides feeling of security whenever and wherever a covered individual is. It is found that most people want to be prepared for the worst and to cope with any difficulty which can occur in their lives. (Hendrix, 2010, para.3)

To sum up, health care coverage effects which include economical, psychological and physical ones can positively affect the life of individuals. That is why all people should take care of their health and get health care coverage as soon as possible.