Building Teams essay

Building Teams essay

I will use synergy strategy through setting difficult task that will force employees to unite their efforts. In such a way, willingly or not they will naturally unite their efforts to reach goals I set.

At the same time, I will use participative leadership to gain support of employees. I will let team members to work on their tasks autonomously and they will be able to take decisions to reach the set goals.

I would not create teams but I would rather let employees to create teams of their own. Informally appointed teams are more effective because they consist of employees, who are willing to work together. Therefore, team members understand why they are in the team and they do their best to meet the set goals improving the performance of the team and their own performance as well.

Using teamwork, employees will be more effective and cooperative. They will interact closely with each other, while my interference as a leader will be minimal as long as team works within the framework of the company’s strategy and standards.

The communication is very important for the effective teamwork. In this regard, employees need to receive positive feedback. I would stress positive achievements of employees, while a few critical remarks about their weaknesses would make employees think of their performance carefully and improve it.

Employees may need my help and I would use counseling and coaching to give them one. Counseling and coaching will help employees to develop new skills and to understand better their tasks through individual communication with the leader or through training respectively.

As employees are trained and prepared to teamwork, I would use empowering to make employees confident in their ability to reach success.