Essay on Attitude

Essay on Attitude

In actuality, John’s behavior was quite natural because he could not afford working hard in night shifts, while his supervisor interrupted his breaks, although John had just a few breaks. On the other hand, John probably made a mistake as he had just a few breaks. Probably, he could make more breaks and he would not grow so tired of his work, while his supervisor would not interrupt his breaks so frequently then. In fact, John could choose the wrong time for breaks and, if he had more breaks, he would not be so tired. Being tired, John grew dissatisfied with his work in the night shift that naturally deteriorated his performance. This is why his supervisor refused from his transfer to the day shift.

However, the supervisor’s attitude to John was also wrong. Obviously, he knew that John had a few breaks and he could not fail notice that John grew tired. This is why he should find out what the problem is and he should help John to solve his problem. For instance, he could give John a piece of advice how to schedule his work more carefully to have enough breaks and to work effectively.

If I were John, I would try to talk to the supervisor, instead of keeping all within myself. I would try to explain that I have a problem with breaks and that work becomes tiresome for me as I cannot have enough breaks. At any rate, it would be fair, if my supervisor agreed to grant with breaks, without interruption. Thus, I would perform better and I would be much more enthusiastic about my job.