It is known that the Wider Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Events Industry plays an important role in the economic system of the country as today tourism has become one of the most popular leisure activities in the world.  According to the recent statistics, in 2010, there were more than 940 million international tourist arrivals worldwide, what represents a considerable growth of 6.6% if compared to 2009(UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2011, p.2). Moreover, the statistics shows that in 2010, “total US international travel receipts was $134 billion”, while the spending by international tourists to the USA supported more than 827,000 American jobs in 2010 (Key facts about International Travel and Tourism, 2011). The following statistical data describes tourism industry in the USA: 2.7% of GDP, 7.5 million jobs, $1.1 trillion in travel and tourism total sales (Fast Facts: United States Travel and Tourism Industry. 2011). Tourism and Hospitality industry is considered to be one of the leading employers which provides about 100 millions of jobs (About Tourism, Travel Industry, 2012). One of the leading organizations is Brand USA, the public-private marketing entity which encourages travelers to visit the USA. The mission of this organization is “to bring millions of new international visitors who spend billions of dollars to the United States, creating tens of thousands of new American jobs” (Brand USA, Official Site, 2012). The hospitality industry as a part of tourism industry includes such categories as lodging and restaurants, hotels, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, etc. One of the leading organizations that related to hospitality industry is USA Hospitality, Inc., “the expert at handling high volume orders for hotels, resorts, restaurants, theme parks, casinos, night clubs, bars, shopping centers, convention centers, cruise lines, airlines, airports, theaters, special events, churches and schools” (USA Hospitality, Inc. Official Site, 2012). Harvard Johnson’s is a well-known chain of hotels and restaurants which includes more than 1000 restaurants (Harvard Johnson’s Official Site, 2012).  Hilton Hotel’s Corporation is known as a global hospitality company with 3700 hotels in 88 countries (Hilton Worldwide. Official Site. 2012). There are many other tourism and hospitality companies which contribute to the economic development of the country.

Key factors:

  • The Wider Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Events industry holds the leading position in the market.
  • Tourism is responsible for 10% of GDP (Cooper, 2005, p.4)
  • It is found that “by 2020 international arrivals are forecast to exceed 1.5 billion” (Cooper, 2005, p.4).
  • The number of International tourist arrivals is constantly growing.
  • The leading organizations related to tourism, hospitality, leisure and events industry provide millions of jobs and considerable contribution to the industry and economy.
  • Today the Wider Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure and Events industry includes a great variety of trends which attract more and more tourists from all parts of the world.