Assignment #5 Psychological Experiment essay

Assignment #5 Psychological Experiment essay

The psychological experiment aimed at the revelation of the response of individuals on changing their habits, namely smoking. The experiment was supposed to reveal how individuals respond to giving up smoking in the course of two weeks after the decision to give up smoking.

All subjects of the study were informed on the purpose of the study. They signed the written consent to participate in the experiment. At the same time, subjects agreed to participate in the study on the condition of anonymity and their confidentiality was fully protected. There were ten subjects involved in the study.

Subjects involved in the psychological experiment were smokers, who gave up smoking two weeks ago. They did not smoke for two weeks. Each individuals filled the mood scale on the daily basis. The mood scale included the rating of the mood and subjects of the study had to score their mood as they felt it. In such a way, individuals assessed their mood from one score, which meant the worst mood, to ten, that meant the best mood. In the course of two weeks, the subjects made scores and their mood scales were analyzed in two weeks after the beginning of the experiment.

In two weeks, mood scales of subjects were collected and analyzed. The analysis of mood scales revealed the fact that at the beginning of the experiment, in the course of first three days, the mood of subjects was low and did not exceed the score 4. After the first three days, the mood of subjects started to improve steadily and grew up to 6 at average by the eighth day of the experiment. However, on the ninth-tenth day, the deterioration of the mood began again, but on the eleven-thirteen day the mood improved again. Hence, giving up smoking provokes the downturn in the mood of individuals but they recover in two weeks.