Essay on Books as Natural Support for Young Children’s Literacy Learning

Essay on Books as Natural Support for Young Children’s Literacy Learning

The article Books as Natural Support for Young Children’s Literacy Learning written by Janet S. Gaffney, Michaelene M. Ostrosky and Mary Louise Hemmeter discusses the role of books in the learning process of the young children. The authors of the article state that “learning to read is critical to children’s success in school and life”. (Gaffney 87) That is why the major goal of any parent and teacher is “to establish foundation for learning to read and write”. (Gaffney 87) Moreover, it is necessary to encourage young children to develop appropriate language and literacy skills. In this case, environment that motivates children to read is of great importance. Some children learn to read when they see and hear others read, or listen to other children’s reading, or read with them, or read by themselves to other children in the group. But what is more important is that children try to explore the physical attributes of the book before they start reading. They include the book’s cover, title page, illustrations and the book’s structure including language structures, format, rhyme, rhythm and word play. The educators are recommended to explore the major elements of the text in order to provide effectiveness in the learning process. It is found that young children “can become more independent when they are able to use supports and cues provided in the text”. (Gaffney 89) It is recommended to use both narrative and informational books. Moreover, in order to enjoy the books, young children should understand the central concept and vocabulary. That is why the educator’s task is to discuss these new concepts and vocabulary with children before reading, and to ask questions and make comments during the reading process. Evaluation of the text elements of the book helps educators to select appropriate reading material for young children and to achieve good results.