Essay on Assessment of Client Needs

Essay on Assessment of Client Needs

The client is the child adopted by a foster family. The child has problems with the integration in the new family. In such a situation, it is necessary to assess accurately needs of the child to help him to overcome existing problems and find his place in the new family. The professional help the adopted child is possible, when his needs are clear. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to assess needs of the client. For this purpose, I would use psychological tests to find out his current psychological condition. In addition, I would use interviews, involving the child and his foster parents to understand needs of the child and problems that exist within the family. On the ground of the results of the interview, I can develop the strategy of my work with the client. Interviews can help to identify the major needs of the child, including the need to integrate in the new family, the anxiety of the child about his new, foster parents, and the change of the environment, in which the child used to live before the adoption by foster parents. In this regard, the priority in the treatment of the child needs should be the integration of the child in the new family. The child should learn new social relations with his foster parents. As the child manages to establish positive relations with his foster parents through mutual activities, the child can start integrating in the new family. The integration of the child in the new family will decrease the anxiety of the child and help him to adapt to the life in the new environment.