Understanding and changing your management style essay

Understanding and changing your management style essay

Skype is one of the most successful companies that have reached a tremendous success in recent years. At the same time, the company has to carry on its business development to enhance its competitive position and to improve its marketing performance. In actuality, Skype keeps growing but the company may face considerable problems as the competition in the communication industry grows tighter and many companies challenge the position of Skype, while others offer alternative services. In such a situation, Skype should pay a particular attention to the analysis of its current performance to be able to develop a long-run strategy of its business development. Skype is likely to succeed and to enhance its position in the market due to the further introduction of innovations and expansion of its services and the scope of its operations. The company should carry on its business development and keep progressing, otherwise, Skype faces the risk of the steady decline and the deterioration of its marketing performance.

Outputs of Skype

In actuality, Skype performs successfully due to the advancement of its technologies and services offered by the company to its consumers. The company operates successfully due to the large scope of services offered by Skype to its customers. The company produces communication services and sells them in the international market. The company offers communication services to its consumers and helps consumers to use Skype applications to communicate via internet often at lower price compared to mobile operators, for instance. The company offers texting services, voice communication, video conferencing and other services which are extremely popular among customers. This is why Skype has reached such a tremendous success in a short time.

Communication services offered by the company are diverse. They include phone calls, video conferencing, texting, and other communication services. The diversity of communication services attracts a large amount of customers to products and services offered by the company. Today, the diversity of services is one of the essential conditions of the effective business development of the company. In fact, the company can attract more customers diversifying its services. In this regard, Skype is very attractive for its customers. The diversification of Skype’s services meets the strategic goal of the company.

The strategic goal of the company is to take the lead in the communication industry and to use internet as the mainstream medium for communication. Today, internet is extremely popular medium and naturally consumers enjoy using internet for the communication. The company should develop effective strategy to introduce new technologies to provide consumers with the effective communication online. In this regard, the overall progress of technologies facilitates the development of Skype’s business.

Skype has been performing successfully. At the moment, the company holds one of the leading positions in the communication industry. The company develops its business successfully due to the innovative nature of its services. In fact, Skype became one of the first companies offering diverse communication services online. Moreover, the company offers many diverse services online for free that put Skype into an advantageous position compared to its rivals, who offer similar services for payment.

Group level

Skype focuses on individual consumers and corporate consumers. These two distinct groups comprise the core customer groups of the company. The company can offer diverse services to its target customer group. In fact, the company attempts to meet interests and needs of its target customer groups. The company should develop its business in accordance to the marketing strategy which focuses on the high customer satisfaction.

The company aims to expand its services and offer them to customers in both individual and corporate groups. The goal of individual consumers is the regular communication which includes phone calls, texting and other regular communication. The company expands its business successfully but Skype should not stop growing. Instead, the company should introduce innovations that can help Skype to enhance the position of the company in the market.

At the same time, different customer groups have different interests and needs. Corporate consumers have more complex needs. Corporate consumers need to maintain the regular communication and transfer a large amount of information. They use video conferencing frequently and they need the communication between its units and professionals that may be located in different parts of the world. The corporate customer group is very important because contemporary companies use contemporary communication technologies to develop their business successfully.

In addition corporate customers may need to develop the company-customer communication and Skype can and attempts to help corporate customers to maintain such communication. Therefore, Skype attempts to enhance its performance and to improve the position of the company through provision of corporate customers with diverse communication services that facilitate their interaction with customers. Customers enjoy diverse services and help companies to develop positive relations with their customers.

Private or individual customers are also important for Skype because the company can count on private customers to offer them diverse services. Customers can use these services for free as well as they can use services that need the payment. In such a way, Skype offers customers both free and payment services. Therefore, Skype needs to develop positive relations with its private customers. Private customers comprise a large customer group and bring Skype considerable profits.

Individual level

At the individual level, Skype is performing successfully too. In this regard, the company focuses on several key occupations which are extremely important for the company’s development. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that some occupations affect consistently the development of the company because they can accelerate the business development of Skype.

In this regard, human resource managers are particularly important for the successful business development of the company. Human resource management is very important job that has to be performed in Skype. Human resource managers contribute to the stable performance of employees working in the company and recruiting new professionals. Human resource managers help the company to maintain positive interpersonal relations within the company. Therefore, they create positive ambiance in the company, while the company benefits from the positive ambiance. Employees work effectively due to positive interpersonal relations.

IT professionals and managers contribute to the successful development of Skype. They develop software and maintain information security of the company which is crucial in the contemporary business environment, especially for the company operating in the IT industry. In fact, IT professionals are responsible for the development of the company, while the information security is one of the major issues internet users face today. In fact, IT professionals maintain the effective performance of Skype and increase the information security. The high information security protects the private information of users of Skype.

Furthermore, public relations managers are essential for the maintenance of positive company-customer relationships and formation of a positive public image of Skype. The public image of the company is one of the crucial factors of the marketing success of the company because customers appreciate renowned brands and prefer companies, whom they are confident in and whose reputation is positive. Public relations are extremely important in the contemporary business environment. Public relations managers create a positive public image of the company that apparently enhances the position of the company in the market.

Web designers help Skype to develop its website and to create attractive website design. Web designers help the company to facilitate the communication and interaction with customers because they are also responsible for navigation of the website of the company. Web designers contribute to the development of the official website of the company. Web designers create the virtual image of the company and their work is essential for the stable performance of Skype.

Finally, analysts are also important for Skype because they can forecast the further development of the company, industry and customer behavior. In fact, analysts focus on the analysis of the business development of the company. Skype develops the detailed marketing strategy that helps the company to improve its performance and to overcome difficulties identified by analysts of the company. In addition, analysts forecast the development of the industry, where Skype operates. The industry analysis helps Skype to develop a long-run strategy and focus on the introduction of innovations or changes in its marketing performance to enhance its position in the market and to attract customers to its services. The analysis of the customer behavior helps Skype to forecast the further business development of the company. In such a way, the company can improve its position in the market and to meet customers’ needs and expectations.

Thus, Skype is one of the most successful companies operating in the communication industry. The company keeps progressing and its current outputs are positive. The company has a stable marketing position. Skype focuses on private and corporate customer groups which allow the company to steadily increase its revenues and to enhance its competitive position in the market. At the same time, the company pays a lot of attention to its internal business development and to such professionals as human resource managers, IT professionals, web designers, analysts, public relations managers, and others, who help the company to keep growing and to succeed in the market.