Skin Care & Precautions essay

Skin Care & Precautions essay

In many cultures the concept of human beauty is directly related to the skin condition, because beautiful skin – is healthy skin. General condition of human skin depends on the overall state of the organism, living conditions, hygiene regime, etc. Thus, we are going to talk about human skin, describing its structure and different ways how to protect it from overexposure to sun. Also it is necessary to explain differences between first- and second-degree sunburns, and several types of the first aid for them.

First of all it is necessary to mention that skin physiologically changes during lifespan, gradually changing its form and structure. The desire to keep own skin healthy and make age-related changes in it more harmonious always depends on the person. Skin is a reflection of everything that happens in human organism. And having any problem with skin it is necessary, firstly, to check the overall health state and not ‘run’ to the beautician or try to solve the problem by self.

Thus, describing the structure of skin we can mention that it consists of three main layers that are called epidermis, dermis and subcutis. Skin – is the largest organ in our body, it covers over 2 square meters of the body and can weigh up to 3 kg. Forslind and Lindberg (2003) mentioned that the skin of an average adult human consists of 30 million cells and we need to say that each concrete layer plays its specific role in the functioning of our organism and has its specific structure. Epidermis is the topmost layer of skin that is seen on the surface of it. This layer is a kind of barrier to the negative effects on the body of various factors, and it protects us from mechanical, physical and harmful biological effects. The epidermis is composed of 5 layers and each of these layers matures on each other, thus continuous renewal of the skin has its constant place here. Young and healthy skin complete its renewal process in the epidermal cells within 28 days, and it is obvious that the period increases slightly with age. Finally, main features of the structure of the epidermis are to provide it with flexibility, elasticity and strength; moreover, high regenerative properties contribute to rapid recovery with the least damage. The next layer is dermis and it consists of intertwined elastic and collagen tissues. These tissues give the skin not only elasticity, but also the ability to return to its former state after stretching. The dermis is divided into 2 layers and there is also located sweat and sebaceous glands, which keep the skin soft, elastic and well moisturized. Describing the last layer that is called subcutis, we can mention that it protects the body from injury, hypothermia, and external irritants, being storage of fat reserves. This layer mitigates the effect of various mechanical factors, provides the mobility of skin, making it a good thermal isolator. In such a way, the skin has a huge amount of vital human functions, and is a rather complicated structure that asks honorable attitude to it.

Normal function of the skin can be changed under the influence of external factors and it also greatly changes with increasing damage from overexposure to the sun. The sun, in addition to its positive effects on human mood, above all, is the leading cause of premature skin aging and skin cancer. Aging caused by overexposure to the sun begins in the thinnest layer of cells, and as a result, the skin becomes uneven and rough to the touch. The above mentioned problems prove us that our skin needs serious protection and elementary rules of sun hygiene will help to take care of our skin in effective way.

Nowadays the use of sunscreen can protect human skin from different negative sun effects and every sunscreen has its own factor of protection, which is denoted by the letters SPF and number, for example, SPF-15. The numbers show us the time how long a person can stay in the sun compared to the time of the safe exposure to the sun without protection. The choice of sun protection factor depends on skin type and solar activity. The lighter skin and higher solar activity, need the greater indicator of SPF (SPF-6 to SPF-40). There are two types of sunscreens: first type contains chemicals that absorb ultraviolet radiation of the sun, and the second one – forms on the skin a protective layer which reflects radiation of the sun.

Discussing sunburns we can mention that the sun hurts unprotected body with ultraviolet. It could be even 15 minutes for light-skinned people while dark-skinned people can safely stay in sun for hours. A person commonly starts feeling the symptoms of sunburn after two to four hours after skin has been already damaged. Swelling, redness and pain start showing within 24 hours. Explaining the difference between several types of sunburns we see that a first degree of sunburn is pink or red skin color while prolonged sun exposure causing second-degree burn and blistering. Nevertheless, a third-degree burn can never be cause because of sun.

The first aid for sunburns is cold or cool shower. If the victim of sun overexposure is not able to take a shower, it is necessary to wash him/her with cold water by self. Secondly, the person should drink plenty of fluids (tea, milk, fruit drink) to restore water balance in the body. Thirdly, the person should take painkillers that may not allow the development of sunburns. In the presence of symptoms like nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, severe headache, blisters it is necessary to visit a doctor immediately.

Thus, summarizing negative effects of sun, Auerbach (2001) stated that it is better to prevent a problem than to fight against it. Auerbach (2001) also added that prevention of sunburns should include the following:

  • “Avoid the sun’s rays between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  • Protect your skin. Use sunblock with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more when exposed to the sun.
  • Wear muted colors such as tan. Bright colors and white reflect the sun onto the face. Some clothing has sunscreen protection.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Wear sunglasses that absorb at least 90% of UV rays.”

In conclusion, we have observed the information regarding skin care and precautions in many details, and have proved that environmental hazards, intense ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, stress and unsuitable cosmetics violate the balance of the skin; thus, it is necessary to protect it in all possible ways and make it not only beautiful outside but also healthy inside.