Professional Knowledge and Abilities essay

Professional Knowledge and Abilities essay

Talking about the professional knowledge and abilities let us choose the Association of American Educators. In this project we are going to describe briefly the activity and the aim of the Association; also we can examine the ways of how the selected association can contribute towards increasing professional knowledge and abilities; and at last, it is necessary to discuss how this knowledge and these abilities can impact the career success of the certain person.

The Association of American Educators (AAE) – is the association of the professional teachers; the association is one of the largest among the non – union professional ones. It helps to get the help of the qualified teachers, to advance the profession through the professional development and advocacy. Also the Association of Educators helps people to promote improvements in education; the members of the Association have a respect, awards and recognition they wish to achieve.

The specialized association in AAE is exposed to all personnel who, in demand to be suitable for protection benefits, must receive a W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) from an educational unit, as well as community or isolated school, college or university. Non-insurance involvement is open to everyone also. In these Associations, more than 90% of the AAE members are mostly the public school tutors. In reference to the Association of American Educators websites and membership promotional material, the professional members obtain certain benefits which are as follows:

  • The insurance liability policy of an individual $2,000,000.
  • They will have access to the legal system and will be legally protected.
  • Monthly subscription to the newsletters about educational matters.
  • Scholarship for teachers and classroom immigrants.
  • National development updates in education.
  • Resources of professional growth.
  • A voice about the education policy at national government and state levels.

The Association of American Educators (AAE) spreads the teaching career through individual development, professional growth, teacher encouragement and guard, as well as encouraging brilliance in education so that the members will be given the respect, credit and compensation they be worthy of. The AAE is dedicated to providing the students the best conceivable education in a harmless and continuous setting. They also believe proficient teachers should be allowed from all systems of instinctive association and authorizations. Additionally, the people believe attacks and strikes are harmful to students and to the status of teachers. So the people are devoted to cultivating education through collaboration, not conflict. The Association also helps in providing strong and quality educations and morals on their student, with this, it helps the student to be confident and maintain the role of becoming the leaders they want to be in their life.

In conclusion, Association of American Educators has demonstrated how their knowledge and abilities can make impact on people career success, they tends to show people how they can be who they want to be and also they make it possible for people who are less privilege to study have great interest in education. The professional knowledge and abilities has made a great impact on our lives today in the modern life, due to the fact that most people who are excelling in their careers have gone through these stages of life and applied this skills in their way of life as well, they had something to hold on to and they were taught how to maintain great success in their career and everyday life.