Unobtrusive methods in Criminal Justice essay

Unobtrusive methods in Criminal Justice essay

The unobtrusive methods which are frequently used in criminology and criminal justice are represented by different strategies the main purpose of which is to study people’s behavior in ways that have no impact on the subjects. (Hagan) The unobtrusive methods (or measures) are also called nonreactive methods. They include the following ones:

  • Homicide Rate;
  • Physical trace analysis;
  • Artifacts;
  • Use of statistics existing in criminology;
  • Use of existing records such as archives, available data, autobiographies;
  • simple and disguised observation;
  • The use of available data – content analysis. (O’Connor)

Of course, these methods have their advantages and drawbacks. The advantages include the following facts:

  • there is no need to have cooperation which those people who are under investigation;
  • the researches have no affect on their behavior;

The disadvantages include:

  • studying social things only after their occurrence and finding traces
  • using secondary data does not give control over the quality of this data (Hagan)

Physical trace analysis can be divided into two categories: accretion (the stuff left by human activity) and erosion (the stuff is worn down by human activity). Going through someone’s garbage is an example of accretion. The wear measurement of the floor tiles shows how many employees used the toilet room. The  examination of the graffiti and traces of vandalism on the walls of the house are examples of unobtrusive methods in criminology.

The use of existing records such as archival records, autobiographies help to provide a historical overview on the investigated case. For example, studying the childhood of a suspected person we can find some facts which are connected with the case (his hobbies, education, relations with parents and peer pressure, drug/alcohol addiction and so on).

Content analysis is an unobtrusive method which is represented by gathering and analysis of the content of text namely words, phrases, pictures, symbols and ideas. There are special computer programs which help to fulfill content analysis. Content analysis includes the systematic classification of mass media contents such as newspapers and magazines, Internet sources. For example, an article in the last year newspaper where the name of the suspected person appeared several times will help to find out about his early life.

Use of statistics existing in the criminology is another unobtrusive method. For example, investigating the circumstances of an assault-homicide case, it is necessary to collect data concerning the similar murders for the last 10-15 years.

Homicide rate helps to learn the amount of murders per  100,000 of people for a certain period of time in order to find out the crime statistics in the country. For example, investigating a suicide it is necessary to turn to the suicide rate in this area for the last 10 years.

UCR data stands for Uniform Crime Reporting which is used in criminology. It collects statistics concerning the most violent crimes such as murders, forcible rates, nonnegligent manslaughter, aggravated assault, robberies and property crimes such as burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft.(UCR, US Department of Justice)

For example, investigating a case of motor vehicle theft, it is necessary to use UCR data to find the similar theft in this or that area. It may help to find the thief.

Simple and disguised observation helps to find out a lot of interesting facts about this or that group. For example a disguised observation of a suspected person, namely his every day activity, visiting some places and people helps to detect the crime. Sometimes the researchers have to act as criminals or victims in order find gang affiliation.