It’s a Wonderful Life Essay

It’s a Wonderful Life Essay

It’s a Wonderful Life is a favorite Christmas classic movie in the US. The movie is about redemption and hope as well as belief in the man goodness, and also belief in God.
George Bailey features an almost non-profit form of capitalism and doesn’t really care about making money; in addition, George just wants to do the right things and tries to help people. He thinks that people need to build good organizations, and their main aim is not to have superior financial results, but to achieve the mission of making good to other people, given them a community-based mission.
Furthermore, George is sure that “people are human beings” and not the cattle, they need to have faith in each other.
According to George, the success is possible only when you have family, friends, and you can give them anything that they need. Without these things, George doesn’t regard people successful and wealthy. “My dad died wealthier than you could even imagine”
In addition, George Bailey claims that everybody deserves a chance to have a better life. He is sure that when you want to build the country, you need to make loans to hard working Americans.
Also, it should be mentioned that money can’t buy happiness; meanwhile good works are far more important than the consumerism itself.
It is very interesting to mention that George considers his life to be poor and uninteresting, he even thinks about suicide until one moment when he is shown what the life in town without him would have been. And then he hears that he has already done a great number of good deals and everybody loves him and wants to help him if he needs. Yes, we can see that there are many things that he wanted to achieve but he couldn’t; however, he finally understands that he has a wonderful life and he doesn’t need to “throw away God’s greatest gift”.
As Mr. Potter proposes him a great job, George is so shocked that he drops his cigar. He starts thinking how his life would be better: living in the nicest house in town, have the finest clothes for Mary, do a lot of business trips or vacations to New York, maybe he can even travel to Europe. Meanwhile, he isn’t afraid of the success as he has dreamt about it since he was a little boy “I wish I had a million dollars.”, but he can’t believe that he was offered such a great deal. However, by shaking hands, George starts to feel a physical revulsion as while having the physical contact with Mr. Potter, he realizes that this man couldn’t be ever associated with him. As a result, he refuses to work for him.
Anyway, George has his own theory of success, according to which people should firstly think about helping each other and then about money.