Starbucks customer service Essay

Starbucks customer service Essay

The customer service is extremely important for Starbucks because the company is concerned with the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to the brand. Therefore, the company should focus on three strategic objectives, which it has to reach in the nearest future, including higher customer satisfaction, customer loyalty to the brand, and extension of the market internationally along with the adaptation to cultural traditions of local customers. If Starbucks manages to meet these three objectives, the company will likely to succeed and retain its leading position in the market.
Higher customer satisfaction
The measurement of the customer satisfaction can be conducted through the number of customers attending Starbucks on the regular basis. The company can use the balanced scorecards approach to measure the customer satisfaction.
The company should reach consistent improvement of the customer satisfaction. The number of customers should increase and the company should receive positive feedback from customers. The customer satisfaction should lead to the return of customers to Starbucks over and over again.
The customer service should focus on the increase of the customer satisfaction. In this regard, the company should provide customers with services and products of the top quality. The quality should be the key factor that determines the overall success of Starbucks in the market. Starbucks should also focus on training of its employees to make them capable to provide customers with services of the top quality. The training of employees is essential because the high qualification of employees leads to the customer satisfaction because well-qualified employees can provide services of the top quality.
Customer loyalty to the brand
The customer loyalty can be measured through the number of return customers. the company should track how many customers attend Starbucks on the regular basis. The use of balanced score cards approach may be helpful to measure the customer loyalty along with the statistics of customers attending Starbucks on the regular basis.
The company should increase the number of loyal customer consistently. Loyal customers should comprise at least 20% of total number of customers of the company. The company should stimulate the customer loyalty and attract more customers.
To increase the customer loyalty, Starbucks should focus on the development of loyalty programs for its customers. In this regard, discount system can be helpful because it can attract customers and encourage them to attend Starbucks on the regular basis. In addition, the company should use the personal approach to each customer. For instance, the company can personalize services being provided to each loyal customer. For instance, the company can offer the loyal customer his or her favorite drink at special price.
Adaptation to cultural needs and traditions of customers in international markets
The adaptation can be measured through the assessment of satisfaction of customers located in different countries with services and products of Starbucks. The customer satisfaction can be measured through interviews, questionnaires and balanced score cards.
The company should adapt to the cultural needs and traditions of customers in different countries, where it operates. Moreover, the company should expand its markets internationally and be able to adapt to every new cultural environment.
The company should conduct the study of the local cultural environment to assess accurately needs and expectations of customers. On the ground of this analysis, the company can launch programs for the specific market.