Wal-Mart positions in the market Essay

Wal-Mart positions in the market Essay

Today, Wal-Mart is one of the largest retailers in the US and the company holds one of the leading positions in the domestic market. At the same time, today, the company has ample opportunities to expand its market internationally, because the company can benefit from the process of globalization, which eliminates physical boundaries between countries and eliminates fiscal barriers that stimulate free trade. In such a situation, Wal-Mart has a good opportunity to improve its position in the international market consistently but the company needs substantial financial resources and effective human resource strategies, which can contribute to the fast growth of the company and rapid international market expansion.
In actuality, the process of globalization opens the opportunity for Wal-Mart to expand its market internationally. To put it more precisely, the contemporary political and economic environment is favorable for the development of international economic cooperation and expansion of business internationally. The elimination of fiscal barriers contributes to the development of free trade that naturally opens ample opportunities for Wal-Mart and other companies to enter new markets and take the lead in international markets. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that Wal-Mart one of the major retailers in the US and the company has good prospects for the development of its business internationally.
In fact, Wal-Mart has an extensive experience of operating in the US and is one of the leaders in the retail industry in the US. Obviously, the experience of Wal-Mart in the American market may be very helpful because the US market is one of the largest in the world. Therefore, if the company succeeded in the US, therefore, the company is likely to succeed in other countries. However, at this point, it is necessary to take into consideration the adaptability of the company to diverse cultural environment and specific conditions of new markets. In fact, Wal-Mart is accustomed to operate in the US market and markets where customers have similar mentality and culture. Consequently, the company may face difficulties, while entering absolutely new markets, where customers have absolutely different mentality.
In such a context, it is worth mentioning the fact that the company has a solid basis on the ground of which it can build up its network internationally including material, financial and human resources. What is meant here is the fact that Wal-Mart has substantial financial resources, which the company can invest into the development of its network internationally. In addition, the brand of the company is recognizable and many banks and investors would support plans of Wal-Mart to expand their markets internationally. This means that investors are likely to invest their money into projects of Wal-Mart to expand its markets internationally. Therefore, the company can count for the financial support and use its own financial resources to use its opportunity to expand its markets and to enter markets of new countries.
As for human resource, Wal-Mart has some problems with its employees, which are mainly caused by discriminatory practices from the part of Wal-Mart in relation to its employees. Nevertheless, the company has an extensive experience of operations and the company has a large set of human resource strategies, which allow Wal-Mart to maintain stable organizational performance and to keep employees under control. Therefore, the company will just need to adapt its human resource strategies to the new cultural environment in new markets. Naturally, the company may face some difficulties caused by problems with the adaptation to the new cultural environment, but the company has sufficient experience and resources to cope with these difficulties.
At this point, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the situation in international markets is favorable for the international market expansion of Wal-Mart. In actuality, the process of globalization opens ample opportunities for the international market expansion, especially for such behemoths as Wal-Mart. The company can enter new markets easily because it has resources and its brand is renowned internationally. At the same time, Wal-Mart can benefit from the economic recession because its major rivals face considerable financial problems. However, Wal-Mart also faces substantial problems caused by the economic recession because of a considerable downturn in sale rates and drop of the buying power of American customers. Obviously, the company has to find effective ways to overcome negative effects of the economic recession to outpace its major rivals fast. The faster Wal-Mart recovers after the economic recession, the easier the company can outpace its rivals in international markets. In fact, the company can even consider the possibility of merger or acquisition to accelerate its international market expansion and to improve its position in international markets.
At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the economic recession raises the threat of the failure to use the opportunity to expand the market internationally. As it has been already mentioned above, the economic recession leads to the drop of the buying power of customers and to their attempts to save money instead of increasing spending. In such a situation, Wal-Mart may have difficulties, while using its opportunity to expand its market share internationally. The company needs stable revenues and financial resources to implement the strategy of international market expansion, whereas the economic recession decreases financial resources and ability of the company to expand its markets internationally fast.
Nevertheless, Wal-Mart has sufficient resources to use the opportunity to expand its market internationally. What is meant here is the fact that Wal-Mart has both financial and human resources to develop and implement the strategy of international market expansion. In fact, the company is experienced enough and has sufficient financial and human resources to implement this strategy. The company can attract financial resources from investors and use human resources available to the company at the moment to transfer them to new affiliates of the company abroad and to launch business in new countries successfully. In this regard, the company just needs the strategic vision and focus on the achievement of its strategic goals of the international market expansion and taking the leading position in global terms.
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that Wal-Mart is one of the largest retailers and employers in the US. Today, the company has the opportunity to expand its market internationally and Wal-Mart should focus on the implementation of this strategy. In such a way, the company can reach a tremendous success at the international level, expand its market consistently and get larger opportunities for taking the leading in the global retail industry.