Protection of your computer Essay

Protection of your computer Essay

Nowadays, a huge number of administrators do their best in order to protect their files on the network. The fact is that, most administrators are very serious about security in this age and day.
Thus, in this paper we are going to explore and examine how it is possible and what to do in order to rebuff and protect your computer against packet sniffing and identity spoofing.
To begin with, IPsec is a set of protocols to protect data transmitted over IP, enables to implement authentication and / or encryption of IP-packets. IPsec provides a wide variety of services that protect against packet sniffing and identity spoofing.
Firstly, let’s discuss packet sniffing. Packet sniffing is greatly the internal threat for many organizations. The most effective solution to protect from packet sniffing is encryption offered by IPsec. In favor of the usage of cleartext protocols, one solution is to encrypt the network traffic with the help of using IPSec33. Through encrypting offered by IPsec, the plaintext protocols can be continued to use. As a result, all data is encrypted for the transfer throughout the network and, consequently, is encapsulated by IPsec. The application of a three-layer encryption technology, such as IPsec protects your network effectively from the sniffing problems. The seamless operation of IPsec is considered to be an effective solution to network eavesdropping’s problems.
Secondly, identity spoofing will be examined and explored. IPsec also offers services that protect from identity spoofing. Identity spoofing can be averted with the help of network-layer authentication and encryption provided by IPsec. Consequently, integrity, confidentiality, and authentication are the key services that are used in order to protect from threats, such as identity spoofing.
Finally, a virtual private network will be defined and explained. From the standpoint of IPsec, a virtual private network is commonly known as a computer network that provides one or more network connections (logical network) on top of another network (e.g. Internet). A lot of companies use a virtual private network in order to communicate confidentially over the Internet with their offices and mobile employees outside a corporate network. Mostly, companies choose IPsec VPN protocols over the Internet as an effective means of secure communication.
In conclusion, it is possible to sum up that IPsec protocol is one of the best among all security protocols transmitted over a data network. IPsec provides authenticity, encryption, confidentiality, and integrity of data operations over a public IP network.